RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "students"

LMS and LHS Community Service Project

LMS and LHS Community Service Project

The Lamar Middle School and Lamar High School students participated in a community service project for Colorado GEAR UP. Students created place mats using markers, ribbon, stickers,  yarn and then added a  holiday message. These place mats will be used by Meals on Wheels and the Lamar Senior Center to send holiday cheer to seniors […]

LCC Congratulates 2013 Rising Stars

LCC Congratulates 2013 Rising Stars

(Lamar, Colorado; April 11, 2013) On Tuesday, April 9th the Colorado Community College System held its 2013 Rising Star Recognition Ceremony and Honorary Luncheon at Front Range Community College. This annual awards ceremony recognizes outstanding students from all 13 colleges within the System. Every system college recognizes two students for the award. Lamar Community College […]

SECAHEC Needs Student Housing

SECAHEC Needs Student Housing

Would you be interested in hosting a student? Do you know of anyone that would be interested in hosting a student? Do you have an extra bedroom in your home? Would you like to make an extra $10 a day? We have students in the health field from University of Colorado at Denver Health Science […]

Lamar Community College hosts College Goal Sunday

Lamar Community College hosts College Goal Sunday

College Goal Sunday is a statewide event that assists students in filling out their Free Application for Federal Student Aid, more commonly known as the FAFSA.  While, College Goal Sunday has occurred in previous years, this is the first year Lamar Community College has been a host site for the event.  The event was free […]

Runnin' Lopes Booster Club Announces Adopt-An-Athlete

Runnin’ Lopes Booster Club Announces Adopt-An-Athlete

(Lamar, Colorado; October 16, 2012) The Lamar Community College Runnin’ Lopes Booster Club announces the creation of an Adopt-an-Athlete program, effective immediately. This exciting development gives Booster Club and community members the opportunity to show support for LCC athletes and become more involved in Runnin’ Lopes athletics. The Adopt-an-Athlete program is set to be in […]


2012 FFA Creed Contest Results

The Lamar FFA Chapter held their annual FFA Creed speaking contest in the Lamar High School auditorium for all first year agricultural education students this past Wednesday, October 3rd from 4:30-6:00pm. The objectives of the Lamar FFA Creed Contest are as follows: Students will be able to memorize and recite all five paragraphs of the […]

Lamar Community College


      FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (Lamar, Colorado, April 30, 2012)  Lamar Community College proudly hosted the 2012 AgFest in the Wellness Center on Monday, April 23 for over 150 students from school districts across Southeastern Colorado. The event was originally created by Colorado State University Extension Agents in Eastern Colorado in 2010 to educate elementary school students about […]

LHS DECA Club Attends State DECA Leadership Conference

LHS DECA Club Attends State DECA Leadership Conference

The Lamar High School DECA Club traveled to the Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs for the State DECA Leadership Conference held Feb. 26-28, 2012. Thirty six students attended the conference which included the opening ceremony, competitions, workshops, dance and closing ceremony. Students competed in individual events, team events and promotional campaign events. Students advanced to […]

WANTED: Applicants for 2012 Youth Academy

WANTED: Applicants for 2012 Youth Academy

“TROOPER’S CORNER” “Honor Duty Respect” The Colorado State Patrol will be hosting their annual Youth Academy in Golden, CO from June 10-16, 2012. They are currently seeking 40 applicants for the academy. Applications are due by March 9th. “The goal of the Youth Academy is to assist in the development of future leaders for the […]

Residents Enjoy New Faces at Juniper Village!

Residents Enjoy New Faces at Juniper Village!

  February 20, 2012 (Lamar, CO) – Juniper Village at Lamar, a skilled nursing facility, is very fortunate to be part of the Nurse Aide program at Lamar Community College. It not only allows the residents to have new faces assisting with their care, it also allows the students of the program to log hours […]

Lamar Community College

PTK Holds Spring Induction

(Lamar, Colorado, October 31, 2011) Lamar Community College’s Beta Eta Gamma chapter of the Phi Theta Kappa honorary recently inducted 16 new members during the fall induction ceremony on Thursday, October 20. New inductees include (left to right): Front row: Brady Rink, Brittney Kemp, Kathryn Crampton, Duane Leroux, Jessica Gutierrez, BriAnn Gottschalk; (back row) back […]

DECA Students at LHS Conduct Annual Coat Drive

DECA Students at LHS Conduct Annual Coat Drive

  The Lamar High School DECA club is having their annual coat drive and is collecting coats in good condition for area children. The donated coats will be given to children, who need them, in the elementary schools.   The coats are cleaned by Quality Dry Cleaners for free. Coats can be donated at Alco, the […]

Lincoln School Closing

Lincoln School Closing

“No more pencils, no more books…” A Wednesday night tribute to Lincoln Elementary school in Lamar became a final reunion of sorts. Former students from years or decades ago arrived singly or as couples to catch up with others from when they were students there. In a cost-cutting move, the RE-2 school board recently made […]

Cinco de Mayo, Perfect Day

Cinco de Mayo, Perfect Day

The weatherman was overdue to forecast a good Saturday, May 7, for this year’s Cinco de Mayo celebration in Lamar, and he came through in style for participants of the event at North Side Park. Roads and side streets were blocked off surrounding the park and by mid-morning, many of the booths had been set […]

They Opened My Eyes…to Science

They Opened My Eyes…to Science

Any baby boomers out there who remember Watch Mr. Wizard? Back in the 50s on black and white tv sets, before Sesame Street or Mr. Rogers, that Saturday afternoon show explained to kids how ordinary things worked through science. For a lot of us, it was science made fun. And that happy situation continued for […]

Area Students Receive $8,500 in Scholarships from Elks Lodge

Area Students Receive $8,500 in Scholarships from Elks Lodge

    The Lamar Elks Lodge, #1319 and the National Elks Foundation, awarded $8,500 in scholarships to southeast Colorado students during an awards dinner, Monday, May 2, as National Youth Week is being observed. Twenty-one elementary school youngsters participated in the Americanism essay contest, submitting a short theme of what being an American meant to […]

PTK Holds Spring Induction

PTK Holds Spring Induction

Lamar Community College’s Beta Eta Gamma chapter of Phi Theta Kappa honorary inducted 22 new students in its spring induction on Thursday, March 23rd. After a welcome from President John Marrin, Amy Thompson, LCC’s coordinator of International Programs, mesmerized the inductees and a room full of guests and college staff with the value of an […]

Flippin’ Flapjacks, Serving Sausage

Flippin’ Flapjacks, Serving Sausage

Twenty DECA students from Lamar high school were busy this past Thursday evening, March 24, cooking and serving an, all-you-can eat pancakes and sausages meal. DECA advisor, Janell Martin, said the event at the Lamar Senior Center was part of an annual community service program performed by members of DECA. Students also collected donations from […]

Bomb Scare at Lamar High School

Bomb Scare at Lamar High School

“School Cleared, Wednesday Classes Will Be Held as Scheduled” See updated Press Release at the bottom of this news story.   A bomb scare at Lamar High School cleared the building of students shortly before 2pm Tuesday afternoon, March 22, as Lamar police, firemen and EMT’s responded to maintain order and to offer aid should […]