RSSAuthor Archive for KL

Bent’s Fort to Host American Mountain Men

Bent’s Fort to Host American Mountain Men

Bent’s Old Fort National Historic Site will host the Fall 2014 Territorial Encampment of the American Mountain Men, October 22-25, 2014.  Between 50 and 60 re-enactors are expected to take part in the encampment which will be located in the cottonwood grove between the fort and the Arkansas River. Visitors are invited to visit the […]

Last Month for Boating at John Martin Reservoir State Park

Last Month for Boating at John Martin Reservoir State Park

HASTY, Colo. – Fall has officially arrived which means the end of boating season at John Martin Reservoir State Park is drawing near. Boating season will come to a close at the reservoir Oct. 31, but there are still plenty of other outdoor activities to enjoy past October such as camping, fishing, bird watching and […]

PMC Birth Announcements October 9, 2014

PMC Birth Announcements October 9, 2014

Brandi Thompson of Holly is proud to announce the birth of her daughter Halli Jo. Halli was born at 3:08am on September 24, 2014. She weighed 7 lb 0.5 oz and measured 19.25 inches in length. Her grandparents are Mike & Barbara VanCampen and Ronald Thompson. Congratulations to Brandi on the birth of your baby […]

New at the Lamar Public Library for the Week of September 29, 2014

New at the Lamar Public Library for the Week of September 29, 2014

Young Adult Fiction Macbeth : [notes] by William Shakespeare The spectacular now by Tim Tharp Childhood Board Books Ben loves Bear by David McPhail Hello Kitty, hello summer! by Jean Hirashima Good morning = Buenos dias by Sergio Membrillas Childhood Nonfiction Food options : following special diets by Kristin Petrie How chipmunk got his stripes a tale […]

Canyons & Plains to Hold Regional Meeting at Las Animas

Canyons & Plains to Hold Regional Meeting at Las Animas

Canyons & Plains of Southeast Colorado will hold its regional meeting at the Bent County Courthouse, Las Animas, CO on Thursday, October 2, 2014, 9 a.m. to 11 am. The topic of the meeting will be “Bent County Successes in Preservation,” presented by Bent County Commissioner, Bill Long. Commissioner Long has been very involved in […]

PMC Birth Announcements September 25, 2014

PMC Birth Announcements September 25, 2014

Kimberly and Angel Munoz of Lamar are proud to announce the birth of their daughter. Jada Grace Munoz was born at 6:11am on September 16, 2014. She weighed 8 lb 5 oz and measured 20 inches in length. She joins her new brother Tate. Her grandparents are Steve & Anne Banker and Guillermo & Judy […]

September is National Recovery Month

September is National Recovery Month

Southeast Health Group is celebrating the 25th Anniversary of National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month. Recovery month celebrates individuals in recovery, acknowledges those who provide prevention, treatment and recovery support services and empowers those in need to seek treatment throughout the year. Being in recovery is a commitment to living a mentally, physically, emotionally, […]

PMC Birth Announcements September 15, 2014

PMC Birth Announcements September 15, 2014

Amanda and Michael Gonzalez of Lamar are happy to announce the birth of their daughter Catalina Emily Gonzalez. Catalina was born at 8:26am on September 11, 2014. She weighed 7 lb and measured 19 inches in length. She joins her new siblings Lilly and Michael Jr. Her grandparents are Anita Sirra, Louise Martinez, Anthony Freyta, […]

PMC Birth Announcements September 12, 2014

PMC Birth Announcements September 12, 2014

Tina and Salvador Bailon of Lamar are the proud new parents of a baby girl. Azrayna Oleida Bailon was born at 4:27pm on September 4, 2014. She weighed 5 lb and measured 18 inches in length. She joins her brother Salvador Vincent Bailon Jr. Her grandparents are Suzanne & Gonzalo Bailon, Sherry Lyons, and Frankie […]

New at the Lamar Public Library for the Week of September 2, 2014

New at the Lamar Public Library for the Week of September 2, 2014

Added to the Library Collection for the Week of September 2, 2014 Young Adult Fiction Four (#0.1-0.4): a divergent novel by Veronica Roth Wings #3: Black City series by Elizabeth Richards This Wicked Game by Michelle Zink Servants of the Storm by Delilah S. Dawson Adult Fiction The Truth About the Harry Quebert Affair by […]

Local Dog Becomes Certified as a Therapy Dog and Helps Others in Prowers County

Local Dog Becomes Certified as a Therapy Dog and Helps Others in Prowers County

Piper is a two year old Yellow Lab. Piper is a calm loving dog. Before becoming certified as a Therapy Dog, Piper spent 30 days of intense obedience training through the Canine Companion Program. Piper has brought happiness to people with several health issues including depression, paralysis, cancer, Cerebral Palsy, high blood pressure, Parkinson’s, Attention […]

PMC Birth Announcements September 2, 2014

PMC Birth Announcements September 2, 2014

Lindsay and Shane Waterman of Lamar recently welcomed a new daughter to their family. Abigail Grace Waterman was born at 6:42 am on August 26, 2014. She weighed 7 lbs and measured 19 inches in length. She joins her new sister Lillian. Her grandparents are Larry & Sandy McLemore and Donnie & Rosalee Waterman. Congratulations […]

Lamar Community College Baseball Repeats History

Lamar Community College Baseball Repeats History

Lamar Community College Head Baseball Coach Scott Crampton stands with two generations of LCC Runnin’ Lopes baseball players, Donny Ortiz, Jr. and Sr. Ortiz, Sr. played for the Runnin’ Lopes in 1992-94 before transferring to Metro State to complete his baseball career. Jr. becomes a Runnin’ Lope this week. In 1992 Donny Ortiz came to […]

New at the Lamar Public Library for the Week of August 25, 2014

New at the Lamar Public Library for the Week of August 25, 2014

Added to the Library Collection for the Week of August 25, 2014 Adult Fiction – eBooks The Hot Zone: the terrifying true story of the origins of the Ebola Virus by Richard Preston Longbourn by Jo Baker The Longest Ride by Nicholas Sparks Looking for Alaska by John Green The Road of Lost Innocence: the […]

PMC Birth Announcements August 22, 2014

PMC Birth Announcements August 22, 2014

Mikeala and Agustin Almanza of Lamar are the proud new parents to a baby boy. Gabriel Angel Almanza was born at 7:12am on August 17, 2014. He weighed 6 lb 14.5 oz and measured 20.5 inches in length. Congratulations to Mikeala and Agustin on the birth of your son! Ruth Maldonado of Lamar is happy […]

Guest speaker Tom Tudor to Visit Lamar Public Library on September 11

Guest speaker Tom Tudor to Visit Lamar Public Library on September 11

Tom Tudor presents: “Arlington and the Tomb of the Unknowns” Thursday, September 11th at 7:00 pm Lamar Public Library’s Cultural Events Center at 102 E. Parmenter in Lamar Tom Tudor has been a distinguished speaker for twenty-five years, presenting an informative narration of our nation’s most hallowed ground: Arlington National Cemetery. Mr. Tudor, speaking to hundreds of […]

New at the Lamar Public Library for the Week of August 18, 2014

New at the Lamar Public Library for the Week of August 18, 2014

Added to the Library Collection for the Week of August 18, 2014 Adult Fiction Resistant #3: Dr. Lou Welcome series by Michael Palmr That Night by Chevy Stevens Boomerang#1: a Boomerang novel by Noelle August The Director by David Ignatius I Am Pilgrim #1: Pilgrim series by Terry Hayes The Girls From Corona del Mar […]

Butterfly Discovery at Sand Creek Massacre NHS

Butterfly Discovery at Sand Creek Massacre NHS

This regal fritillary (Speyeria idalia) marks yet another unique visitor to Sand Creek Massacre National Historic Site. The National Park Service noted its outstanding colors and photographed it in Colorado’s Kiowa County for the first time. Unfortunately, regal fritillaries continue to decline in number and area. As in the picture, milkweed can draw this species […]

Prowers Medical Center Graduates Five in Bridging the Gap Medical Interpreter Course

Prowers Medical Center Graduates Five in Bridging the Gap Medical Interpreter Course

Prowers Medical Center is pleased to announce that five (5) individuals from surrounding healthcare organizations have successfully completed a 40-hour training course for Medical Interpreters. Prowers Medical Center holds a Level 2 licensure designation through the Bridging the Gap (BTG): Medical Interpreter Training Program allowing us to offer training to other organizations within our surrounding […]

PMC Birth Announcements August 18, 2014

PMC Birth Announcements August 18, 2014

Isabel and Ismael Verduzco of Lamar are the proud new parents of a baby boy. Leonel Aiden Verduzco was born at 8:44pm on August 7, 2014. He weighed 5 lb 13.5 oz and measured 19 inches in length. He joins his new siblings Angelo and Zareda. His grandparents are Daniel Felan, Dorothy Lucero, Rosa Felan, […]