All Entries Tagged With: "Atmos Energy"

Granada Trustees Study Economic Development Assessment
The study, initiated by a REDI, Rural Economic Development, grant was recently conducted by the State Department of Local Affairs for both Granada and Holly recently. The two part report provides an economic assessment of each town’s current status for job and population loss while the second segment provides a demographic breakdown for each […]

Granada Discusses PUMA Buy-In for Economic Study
The Granada Trustees were briefed on the approaching PUMA economic study by the Prowers County Commissioners as well as Rick Robbins, President of Prowers County Development Incorporated and board member Cindy Otto. PUMA, Progressive Urban Management Associates, will visit towns in Prowers County on February 29th and March 1st, and speak with key community members, […]

Prowers Gas Gathering Requests Contract Review from LUB
Art Pansze, a partner and manager of Prowers Gas Gathering, requested a review of the contract his company has with the Lamar Utilities Board during their November 10th meeting. Citing the lower price for natural gas prices over the past four years and the cost of drilling new wells, Pansze requested consideration for the $120,000 […]

School Board Candidates Explore Ideas During Zonta Political Forum
There are five contested and two uncontested candidates on the November General Election ballot for seats on the Lamar RE-2 District school board. Elizabeth Whitham moderated a political form at Lamar Community College, hosted by the Lamar Chapter of the Zonta International organization this past Tuesday, October 20. The audience listened to each of the […]

Lamar City Council Remains the Same
There were no challenges to the current line-up of the Lamar City Council for the November General Election, according to Lamar City Clerk, Linda Williams. As such, the current council members will not face an election on this year’s ballot. Anyone eligible to serve on the council had until August 25 to submit their petition […]

Council Approves Water Infrastructure Agreement
Almost 20,000 linear feet of water main which runs north/south along U.S. 287 is owned and maintained by the City of Lamar. That water distribution system will be impacted by CDOT’s highway reconstruction project, set to begin next spring. The City of Lamar is working with CDOT to replace all the affected water infrastructure connections […]

Lamar Council Prepares for Higher Internet Security for City Operations
Given the number of computer hacking incidents across the nation, the city’s insurer, CIRSA, has recommended that the city conduct a penetration audit to help with loss prevention and possibly lower CIRSA premiums. Thomas Sanchez, the city’s IT Director, explained that several security upgrades were considered as recommended by CIRSA. An audit of the […]

Lamar Council Approves Utility Developments
The council authorized an agreement for engineering services for $10,000 for the Main Street Water Distribution System Project Needs Assessment. The goal is to replace the city’s aging water mains underneath Main Street in anticipation of CDOT’s re-surfacing project set to begin in early 2016. A Needs Assessment on the project, costing $10,000, is required […]

Fire Department Incident Reports June 9, 2014
Wednesday, June 4 At 3:01pm on June 4, fire personnel were dispatched to 208 Maxwell Street in Lamar on report of a gas leak, specifically that a gas meter had been hit and was slowly leaking. Upon arrival at the scene, fire crews found a single-story residence with the gas meter in the alley. The […]

Fire Department Incident Reports May 1, 2014
Wednesday, April 23 At 2:54 am on April 23, fire personnel were dispatched to a contained trash or rubbish fire located at 912 West Olive in Lamar. Upon arrival, fire crew found a small fire next to the front porch of the house. A pressurized water extinguisher was used and successfully extinguished the fire. At […]

Fire Department Incident Reports March 11, 2014
March 10, 2014 At 1:01 pm on March 10, fire personnel were dispatched to CR 8.5 and CR DD.8 in Lamar on report of an authorized controlled burn. The fire crew was called by the water department to burn a pile of tumble weeds that had blown into an open reservoir. The site was evaluated […]

Fire Department Incident Reports February 14, 2014
Saturday, February 8 At 5:18 pm on February 8, fire personnel were dispatched to a carbon monoxide incident located at 811 South 13th Street in Lamar. Upon arrival at the scene, Engineer Kemp investigated the area with the 4-gas monitor. The occupants stated that the alarm had been activated approximately three minutes before calling emergency […]

Fire Department Incident Reports February 10, 2014
Thursday, January 30 At 8:19 pm on January 30, fire personnel were dispatched to 1432 East Olive Street in Lamar on report of a fuel spill in the parking lot of Walmart. Upon arrival at the scene, fire crew found a semi tractor on a flat bed trailer. The driver stated that they were loading […]

Fire Department Incident Reports January 24, 2014
Saturday, January 18 At 1:55 am on January 18, fire personnel were dispatched to a possible CO alarm sounding at 1212 South 7th Street in Lamar. Dispatched notified fire crew that all occupants were out of the home and in a safe location. On arrival, crew members found the home owner in a car on […]

Fire Department Incident Reports January 16, 2014
Monday, January 13 At 2:38 pm on January 13, fire personnel were dispatched to a vacant house located around the 300 block of West Washington Street in Lamar on report of a gas leak. Upon arrival at the scene, fire crew detected a heavy gas smell in the air and found a broken gas pipe […]

Fire Department Incident Reports November 7, 2013
Monday, November 4 At 9:16 am on November 4, fire personnel were dispatched to an oil or other combustible liquid spill located at 624 East Oak Street in Lamar. Upon arrival, fire crew found approximately five quarts of oil spilled across the driveway and into the gutter. They proceeded to cover the spill with oil […]

Fire Department Incident Reports November 5, 2013
Saturday, November 2 At 7:45 am on November 2, fire personnel were dispatched to a CO detector activation located at 410 North 12th Street in Lamar. Fire crew checked the house with a gas analyzer and it read zero throughout the house. The CO detector was removed, inspected, and determined to likely be faulty. Atmos […]

Fire Department Incident Reports November 1, 2013
Thursday, October 31 At 1:22 am on October 31, fire personnel were dispatched to a possible gas leak located in the alley behind 205 North 5th Street in Lamar. Fire engine responded to the location to find Lamar Police on the scene near the gas meter. The meter was leaking near the inlet to the […]

Fire Department Incident Reports October 31, 2013
Wednesday, October 23 At 11:43 am on October 23, fire personnel were dispatched to 702 East Oak Street in Lamar on report of a possible structure fire. Prowers County Dispatch advised fire personnel that the occupants had stated they had heavy smoke in the basement in which there should be no fire load. Upon arrival […]

Fire Department Incident Reports October 17, 2013
Thursday, October 10 At 7:26 am on October 10, fire personnel were dispatched to a smoke detector activation located at 322 South Main Street in Lamar at the Alamo Apartments. Upon arrival at the scene, fire personnel found no outward signs of a fire, and upon examination of the fire system it was found to […]