Fire Department Incident Reports February 10, 2014

Fire Truck 3

Thursday, January 30

At 8:19 pm on January 30, fire personnel were dispatched to 1432 East Olive Street in Lamar on report of a fuel spill in the parking lot of Walmart. Upon arrival at the scene, fire crew found a semi tractor on a flat bed trailer. The driver stated that they were loading the tractor when it tore a hole in the driver’s side fuel tank. The driver finished loading the tractor and called in the leak to his safety manager who then called dispatch. The driver stated that he thought the tank had lost approximately 100 gallons in the parking lot and into the water drainage system above ground. Hazmat response included placing quick dry on the parking lot and along curbing, using absorbent pads on the grass and ground, and gathering all used materials in trash cans.

Saturday, February 1

At 10:01 pm on February 1, fire crews were dispatched to a gas leak located at 509 West Parmenter Street in Lamar. Fire personnel were called to the scene by LPD officers after a hit and run resulted in a gas meter leak. The meter had been struck by a vehicle and bent. A heavy natural gas smell was evident approximately two feet from the meter. Fire personnel approached and determined the meter to be leaking from the upper right hand elbow bend. The meter was successfully shut down and Prowers County Dispatch notified Atmos Energy.

Filed Under: communityFire Department-RespondersLamarProwers County


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