RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "Holly Colorado"

Jerry Jones Becomes Holly’s New Mayor

Jerry Jones Becomes Holly’s New Mayor

Trustee Jerry Jones has become Holly’s new mayor following the monthly board meeting on January 6th, 2016.  Former mayor, Brad Simon, submitted his letter of resignation to Town Administrator, Jerry L’Estrange on December 11, citing the need to spend more time on family and business matters.  The letter stated, in part, “I have truly enjoyed […]

Holly Commercial Club Retains Officers for 2016

Holly Commercial Club Retains Officers for 2016

  The Holly Commercial Club Met Wednesday, December 2nd .  Full time membership is at 18 and there are five associate members as the year draws to a close.  John Golden proposed that the 2015 officers of the Club be retained as the 2016 officers and the motion was carried and approved by the Club […]

Body Found by Holly Colorado Duck Hunters

Body Found by Holly Colorado Duck Hunters

Prowers County Sheriff, Sam Zordel received a call around 8:30 am this past Saturday, December 12, 2015, concerning a body discovered by duck hunters found laying in the water in a seep ditch about ¾ miles east of Holly. Sheriff Zordel said it appeared to be a male of unknown age and that an autopsy […]

Goal Met for 2016 Holly Fireworks Display

Goal Met for 2016 Holly Fireworks Display

Holly Fun Club members, Claudia Parker and Jackie Leiker informed the Holly Commercial Club, a recent dinner and silent auction raised almost $1,000, half of which will be donated to the Holly Volunteer Fire Department. Jake Holdren said the Fire Department had met their goal with their fundraisers, but still needs to cover insurance costs, a […]

Holly Dairy Farm May Get Second Chance

Holly Dairy Farm May Get Second Chance

A Texas judge’s decision this past September, to delist the Prairie Chicken on the Endangered Species List, may have opened the door for the development of the stalled Holly dairy project initiated last year under a special use permit. Keith Siemsen, Prowers County Land Use Administrator, met with the Prowers County Commissioners and County Attorney, […]

Sediment in Water Shuts off Holly Well

Sediment in Water Shuts off Holly Well

The south well used by the Town of Holly has been shut down due to sediment found in the water. The east well is supplying the town’s needs at this time, with the north well water supply as a backup. Jerry L’Estrange, Holly Town Administrator, told the Trustees, there’s no bacterial content in the south […]

2015 Holly Gateway Fair Program Events: Theme - “Water Flowin’ Keeps It Growin’”

2015 Holly Gateway Fair Program Events: Theme – “Water Flowin’ Keeps It Growin’”

Here are some of the scheduled events for this year’s Holly Gateway Fair. Thursday, September 24:  9-Noon                 Weigh-in/Entry of all Livestock Exhibits 1pm                       All livestock record books due 2pm                       Goat Show 4-8pm                   Entry of all non-livestock exhibits at Gym 6pm                       Team Roping 6:30pm                 Swine Show Friday, September 25: 7-9am                   HHS Junior Class Breakfast at Fairgrounds […]

Holly Commercial Club Makes Donations

Holly Commercial Club Makes Donations

  Claudia Parker and Jackie Leiker from the Holly Fun Club, presented some of their plans for the approaching Holly Gateway Fair, September 26-29 during the Holly Commercial Club’s monthly meeting.   Various games and prizes are planned for Saturday. A softball tournament is set for the prior Saturday, the 19th and volunteers would be welcome […]

Fireworks Fundraisers Planned for Holly

Fireworks Fundraisers Planned for Holly

    The Holly Rural Fire Department is working to offer a July 4th fireworks display next year if there are sufficient funds generated for the holiday project. Jake Holdren of the Holly Rural Fire Department addressed the town Trustees during their September meeting, outlining some of the needs related to the project. “All of […]

Holly Landfill Issues Improving, Working with Tighter Budget

Holly Landfill Issues Improving, Working with Tighter Budget

  Two years ago, the Holly landfill received a number of deficiency gigs regarding operations and record keeping. Matters are improving and this past Thursday, July 30, interim Town Administrator, Jerry L’Estrange, met with state and county representatives to review the current status of the landfill. L’Estrange noted that the town’s record keeping for the […]

L’Estrange Continues as Holly Administrator – Trustees Developing Utility Bill Payment Policy

L’Estrange Continues as Holly Administrator – Trustees Developing Utility Bill Payment Policy

Jerry L’Estrange and the Holly Trustees finalized a work agreement during their monthly meeting, August 5, which will set the parameters of his employment as Town Administrator through the end of 2017. L’Estrange began his duties as interim administrator this past January as a replacement for Marsha Willhite. The Trustees offered some ideas for a […]

Holly Library Seeks Funding for Expansion

Holly Library Seeks Funding for Expansion

Cheryl Roup, Holly Library Board President and David Crossland, Board member, requested funding from the Prowers County Commissions to help expand service hours at their library. Roup explained, “Our little library is not quite designated as a public library because state statute says we have to be open at least 20 hours a week to […]

Holly Commercial Club Reviews Bluegrass Festival

Holly Commercial Club Reviews Bluegrass Festival

Members of the Holly Commercial Club discussed last month’s annual Bluegrass Festival, which was another success for the region.  The Bluegrass dinner served 75 people on Friday which resulted in some leftover food.  Tracie Kalma was able to make a profit on the resale which helped eliminate some of the overhead expenses.  Profits from the […]

Holly Trustees Discuss Water Project, Flood Plain Ordinance

Holly Trustees Discuss Water Project, Flood Plain Ordinance

Representatives from Antencio Engineering visited in Holly late last month to prepare a preliminary report for the city’s REDI Water project.  Grant funding will be needed for the project which will see crossings under railroad tracks and Highway 50 in town.  Holly Mayor, Brad Simon, said the funding may be available from DOLA, but as it’s […]

High Plains Breaking Ground on Pediatric Clinic

High Plains Breaking Ground on Pediatric Clinic

Jay Brooke, Executive Director of High Plains Community Health Center, revealed that following a review of architect plans, bids will be sent out for construction of a pediatric clinic at the medical campus off Kendall Drive in Lamar.  “We plan to have the bids go out next week,” Brooke told the Prowers County Commissioners during their […]

Great Entertainment at Holly Bluegrass Festival

Great Entertainment at Holly Bluegrass Festival

A combination of great weather, free music, food and entertainment for the family are the prime ingredients for two days of fun this past weekend for the 13th Annual Holly Bluegrass Festival. The town of Holly rolls out the red carpet each second weekend in June to host the only free bluegrass music festival in […]

Chip Seal Project Set for Several Holly Streets

Chip Seal Project Set for Several Holly Streets

The Holly Trustees held a brief monthly meeting on Wednesday, June 3, approving an engineering services contract with Atencio Engineering for a feasibility study for two railroad water line crossings and a boring on Highway 50 in town.  This is a preliminary segment needed for the $20,000 REDI Grant project for the community.  Interim Administrator, […]

Holly Commercial Club Hears Plans for Bluegrass Festival

Holly Commercial Club Hears Plans for Bluegrass Festival

  The Holly Commercial Club met for their monthly meeting on May 6 and discussed options for events with the Holly Fun Club.  This group is looking for additional activities to present to area youth for the upcoming annual fair in Holly or the Bluegrass Festival set for June 12-14. Members will check with the […]

Holly Trustees Continue Administrator Search

Holly Trustees Continue Administrator Search

The Holly Board of Trustees had been close to finalizing a contract with a potential new City Administrator, but the candidate, Eric Duthie, indicated he would not be available for the position.  Jerry L’Estrange, the interim administrator, will continue to serve the city in that capacity.  Megan Jara, Holly Town Clerk said there is about […]

City of Holly Close to Hiring New Administrator, Sets Clean Up Day Date

City of Holly Close to Hiring New Administrator, Sets Clean Up Day Date

  The Holly Trustees have selected a finalist from the candidates interviewed to serve as Holly Town Administrator, following the resignation late last year of Marsha Willhite.  Final details of the negotiations are being worked out and a formal announcement will soon be available. Monday, April 27 has been selected as the town clean-up day […]