2015 Holly Gateway Fair Program Events: Theme – “Water Flowin’ Keeps It Growin’”

Patriots on the Road-Past Parade Entry

Patriots on the Road-Past Parade Entry

Here are some of the scheduled events for this year’s Holly Gateway Fair.

Thursday, September 24: 

9-Noon                 Weigh-in/Entry of all Livestock Exhibits
1pm                       All livestock record books due
2pm                       Goat Show
4-8pm                   Entry of all non-livestock exhibits at Gym
6pm                       Team Roping
6:30pm                 Swine Show

Friday, September 25:

7-9am                   HHS Junior Class Breakfast at Fairgrounds
8:30am                 All baked goods & flower exhibit
8:30am                 Rabbit Show, followed by poultry show
9am                       Judging begins in all divisions
9am                       Sheep show
11am                     Beef show
2-5pm                  Exhibits open to public

Saturday, September 26:

8:45am                 Parade assembly on Tony Garcia Drive
9am                       Judging of parade entrants
10am                     Parade and Exhibit Building opens following parade.
Kids games at school playground
11:30am               Horse Races at Gateway Downs
1pm                       Fairgrounds tractor pull
2:30-4pm             Exhibits released
5pm                       BBQ at fairgrounds sale barn
6pm                       Small fry show/record book awards
6:30pm                 Market Animal Sale
9pm-1am             Dance

Filed Under: AgricultureBusinesscommunityCountyEntertainmentFeaturedFestivalHistoryHollyProwers CountyRecreationSchoolTourismYouth


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