RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "Prowers County Sheriff"

Holly Trustees Election Set for April 5

Holly Trustees Election Set for April 5

  The Town of Holly will hold a municipal election for Trustees and Mayor on April 5th of this year.  Current Trustees, Marty Campbell and Larry Stitts are up for re-election and Holly residents, Josh Reinert and Corey Stephans are making a bid for a seat on the Trustee’s board.  Jerry Jones, who has become […]

Reception Planned After County Oaths of Office

Reception Planned After County Oaths of Office

Seven elected Prowers County officials will receive their oath of office in a public ceremony at 9am on Tuesday, January 13, 2015 on the third floor of the Prowers County Courthouse. Several positions were not contested in the November General Election, but protocol mandates that those persons be administered their official oaths to begin their […]

2014 Year in Review-March/April

2014 Year in Review-March/April

The close of 2014 will put us at the halfway mark for the decade.  Some use the passage of time as a measuring tool…how much have we done…how much time have we got left.  But the timetable for a city or county should probably be measured in accomplishments, not a calendar.  Some projects and programs […]

Zordel is New Prowers County Sheriff

Zordel is New Prowers County Sheriff

The mid-term elections for 2014 are over. While some states across the country are still compiling ballots, in southeast Colorado, the unofficial results are in. The position of Prowers County Sheriff was the only election contest and Republican Sam Zordel defeated the unaffiliated challenger, Ron Manly 2,235 to 1,640 votes. Both men are employees of […]

June 2014 Prowers County Sheriff’s Report

June 2014 Prowers County Sheriff’s Report

The number of calls for service dropped a bit at the Prowers County Sheriff’s Office, comparing 254 for June, to 323 for May of this year.  Lamar had 124 calls, including 20 arrest warrants, 35 jail related calls and 40 restraining orders and various papers were served for June.  The department responded to 96 calls […]

June 24 Primary Election Information

June 24 Primary Election Information

  Jana Coen, Prowers County Clerk & Recorder issued a reminder for active registered voters that all ballots have now been mailed to either their street address or Post Office Box.  If you have not yet received your ballot, come to the Prowers County Clerk’s Office at 301 South Main Street to request a replacement, […]

Prowers County Sheriff’s Report:  April 2014

Prowers County Sheriff’s Report: April 2014

  The Prowers County Sheriff’s Office received 288 calls for service this past April, 2014 with Lamar posting 150 followed by 95 from the County and 34 from Holly.  Lamar had twenty-nine calls for serving papers and restraining orders, 18 for warrant arrests and 58 calls were jail related.  The County had 17 calls for […]

Prowers County Sheriff’s Report March 2014

Prowers County Sheriff’s Report March 2014

The Prowers County Sheriff’s Office responded to 293 calls for service this past March, 2014.  Lamar posted 164 calls for which 17 were warrant arrests and 47 were jail related.  The majority of those calls, 59, were to serve papers and restraining orders.  Eighty-six calls came from the county with 16 related to traffic problems […]

Informational Media Release from the Prowers County Clerk’s Office

Informational Media Release from the Prowers County Clerk’s Office

    The Prowers County Clerk & Recorders Office received two Republican Candidate Petitions for the Prowers County Sheriff’s race by the March 31, 2014, deadline, from Candidate’s Shawn Stone and Ronald Trowbridge.  It was determined by the County Clerk’s Office that Ronald Trowbridge submitted enough number of valid signatures to qualify for placement on […]

Sheriff's Candidates Narrow for June Primary

Sheriff’s Candidates Narrow for June Primary

  Monday, March 31 was the deadline for local candidates to submit their petitions and signatures to the Prowers County Clerk and Recorder to advance to the June 24 primary.  Each candidate on the GOP ballot for Prowers County Sheriff needed to submit 156 signatures to be placed on the primary ballot and those signatures […]

Letter to the Editor:  Ronald Manly Enters Sheriff's Contest

Letter to the Editor: Ronald Manly Enters Sheriff’s Contest

  For those that don’t know me, my name is Ronald Manly.  I was born and raised in Lamar by Harley and Darline Manly.   My wife, Mary and I have been married for 37 years and have 2 children and 2 grandchildren. I have been involved in law enforcement since I was a teenager when […]

County Sheriffs of Colorado Scholarship Program

County Sheriffs of Colorado Scholarship Program

  Prowers County Sheriff Jim Faull announced that County Sheriffs of Colorado, Inc. (CSOC), the state Sheriff’s Association, will award a $500 scholarship to a deserving Prowers County student this spring.  CSOC established the scholarship program in 1978.  Since then, this effort has continued as a meaningful expression of the sheriff’s confidence in and respect […]

Sheriff Candidate's Forum Set for February 24

Sheriff Candidate’s Forum Set for February 24

Who will be the next sheriff for Prowers County?  Five candidates, all on the Republican ticket, have declared their intentions to run following the announcement from current Prowers County Sheriff, James Faull, that he will not seek re-election this year.  A candidate’s forum for the five law enforcement officers will be hosted by Voices of […]

2013 Year in Review for Prowers County:  November & December

2013 Year in Review for Prowers County: November & December

The Prowers Journal has Highlighted the Top News Events of 2013   November 2013 Year in Review  Mail-in ballots were used exclusively for the General Election on the 5th, a development which incorporated the entire state for future elections.  Most of the local election balloting was for school board positions for Wiley and Granada as […]

Shawn Stone Announces Intent to Run for Prowers County Sheriff

Shawn Stone Announces Intent to Run for Prowers County Sheriff

  My name is Shawn Stone and I am announcing my Republican candidacy for Sheriff of Prowers County in the 2014 election.  I was born in Bluffton, Indiana and after graduating high school, I joined the United States Army. I served 3 years in the Army and was honorably discharged from Ft. Carson Colorado. I […]

Local Civic Group Preparing for Heroin Problems in Prowers County

Local Civic Group Preparing for Heroin Problems in Prowers County

  Area medical doctors and professionals, Prowers Medical Group, High Plains Community Health Center, Lamar School District, Prowers County Sheriff’s Office, Lamar Police Department, area treatment facilities and local government want to bring to the attention of local citizens that HEROIN has come to Lamar and Prowers County.  This is a drug that has the […]

Prowers County Sheriff's Report, September 2013

Prowers County Sheriff’s Report, September 2013

  The Prowers County Sheriff’s Office answered 292 calls for service this past September, 2013.  Lamar had 171 calls with serving paper and restraining orders posting the most responses at 52.  Warrant arrests numbered 24 and 44 of the 171 calls were jail related.  The county had 82 calls with eleven for animal problems and […]

Holly Fire Department Discusses Water & Electric Issues with Trustees

Holly Fire Department Discusses Water & Electric Issues with Trustees

  Kyle Neil, Holly Fire Chief, wants to improve reaction time to requests to cut electric power at future fires.  He said there was a slower than normal reaction time on a power cutoff request this past summer, during the Old Gym fire.  Neil approached the Holly Trustees with the situation during their monthly meeting, […]

Prowers Sheriff’s Posse Purchases New H.Q.

Prowers Sheriff’s Posse Purchases New H.Q.

    For dozens of summers, the Prowers County Sheriff’s Posse has helped manage the Sand and Sage Fair and other events at the country fairgrounds from either under tree shade or a tent.  Just recently, Posse members purchased a more permanent headquarters at the fairgrounds for themselves with their own funds.  The building is […]

January 2013 Prowers County Sheriff's Report

January 2013 Prowers County Sheriff’s Report

The Prowers County Sheriff’s Department responded to 302 calls for assistance during this past January, 2013.  Lamar posted 180 calls followed by 89 from the county and 19 from Holly.  There were a total of 94 jail related calls for Lamar, including two for drugs, one for DUI and one for fraud.  The county had […]