RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "Livewell"

LiveWell Prowers County to Host Community Conversations on Children's Health

LiveWell Prowers County to Host Community Conversations on Children’s Health

As a coalition LiveWell Prowers County has committed to working hard to make sure healthy choices are easy choices in Prowers County. The organization has made progress and has had many successes to celebrate! However, there is still important work to be done. LiveWell Prowers County, Prowers County Health Alliance, and Civic Canopy (the experts the organization […]

Prowers County Health Alliance Newsletter

Prowers County Health Alliance Newsletter

The Alliance: The Prowers County Health Alliance (the Alliance) continues to work hard toward being the healthiest county in Colorado. Recently, in partnership with LiveWell Prowers County, the Alliance held a “Let’s Get Connected” kickoff event for a very important upcoming project that will change the health of children in Prowers County. The kickoff event […]

Playground Results In… Volunteers NEEDED!!

Playground Results In… Volunteers NEEDED!!

After counting the more than 400 votes, the results are in and design #3 won with 279 votes.  Lamar was chosen by the Colorado Health Foundation as a recipient of a grant and along with Kaboom and the citizens of Lamar dreamt up 3 different play areas.  This playground is going to be located at […]

Health Oriented Projects Seeing Busy End of Summer

Health Oriented Projects Seeing Busy End of Summer

  Emily Nieschburg of LiveWell outlined several visits being planned for Lamar this summer to ascertain how best to use the funding the community will receive for health and exercise oriented projects.  She told Coalition members that due to the amazing attendance at the Family Fun Day earlier this month at Willow Creek Park and […]

Project HOPE Coalition Discusses Food and Funding

Project HOPE Coalition Discusses Food and Funding

The Project HOPE Coalition held their monthly meeting this past Monday, July 8 at Lincoln Elementary School and reviewed activities and revenues from the recent Family Fun Day at Willow Creek Park, and planned for future summer events.  An estimated 815 residents attended the Saturday event and $408 was raised through various food sales, including […]

A  Perfect Pool Party

A Perfect Pool Party

  Voces Unidas continued to provide some summer fun and relief from the heat this past Sunday, July 7, with their annual free pool party at the Lamar Municipal Swimming Pool.  This marks the 5th year that Voces Unidas has hosted the party in conjunction with the Lamar Chamber of Commerce and various municipal and civic organizations.  […]

Bike to Work Day, 2013

Bike to Work Day, 2013

Dozens of bike riders and walkers turned up at the Lamar Community Building for the annual Bike to Work Day, sponsored by the Lamar Chamber of Commerce and the Lamar Parks and Recreation Department. Spandex, shorts, jeans, tee-shirts, helmets and caps were part of the mixed wardrobe as folks arrived between 7am and 8am for […]

Families Had the Fun this Weekend

Families Had the Fun this Weekend

    Click a picture to start the slide show. The hot and windy weather didn’t deter area residents from attending the Lamar Fireman’s Family Carnival at Bi-Centennial Park this past Friday, June 21.  The winds did pick up on Friday which meant that several of the display tents at the park had to come […]

Plans for LiveWell Family Day Being Finalized

Plans for LiveWell Family Day Being Finalized

  Saturday, June 22, plans to be a full day of family and health-oriented fun at Willow Creek Park.  Events are scheduled between 9am and 11pm, including a morning walk, run or bike ride, free swim day and an evening outdoor move.  Most of the activities offered will be free although there will be a […]

Preparing for a New Growing Season

Preparing for a New Growing Season

    Emily Nieschburg and Courtney Neuhold were among some of the LiveWell members who accompanied a family this past Thursday evening, May 23, in preparing their plot of land at the Community Gardens near the High Plains Community Health Center.  The garden is beginning its third year of operation and was developed to showcase […]

Summer Activities, Fundraising Planned at Project HOPE

Summer Activities, Fundraising Planned at Project HOPE

Members of the HOPE Center Coalition in Lamar attended what they thought would be the final monthly meeting before the summer break.  However, members agreed that there were too many projects that needed attention connecting the spring to the fall, so the monthly meetings will continue.  The Coalition, which serves to benefit the Project HOPE […]

Guidelines for a Healthier Community

Guidelines for a Healthier Community

  “You’re community has to be different, unique, in order to provide future growth for Lamar.”  That was the overview of a weeklong interview and assessment project presented by panelists from the Urban Land Institute.  The findings were derived from a comprehensive group interview of 60 volunteers listing what they felt were the strengths and […]

Urban Land Institute Conducting Health Seminars in Lamar

Urban Land Institute Conducting Health Seminars in Lamar

  Persons affiliated with the local medical community and interested citizens in general attended a briefing regarding a series of interviews delving into health concerns for Lamar residents.  Several panelists and members of the Urban Land Institute were introduced to the gathering by Edward McMahon, Senior Fellow for Sustainable Development, from ULI, following their afternoon […]

Happy Dash for the Goodies!

Happy Dash for the Goodies!

This past Saturday morning was a perfect day for the Annual Lamar Parks and Recreation Department Easter Egg Hunt at Willow Creek Park.  What took the Parks crew probably an hour or more to stuff 1,800 estimated eggs and spread them around the park’s landscape, was undone in a matter of moments, once the, “Get […]

City of Lamar Employees Getting Salary Adjustments

City of Lamar Employees Getting Salary Adjustments

Half of the City of Lamar employees could see salary increases beginning next month. By a unanimous vote, the city council approved the recommendations of a five month salary and job description study by an independent consulting firm. The consultant, Matthew Weatherly, presented his synopsis for the council during the regular Monday meeting, March 25. […]

County Approves LiveWell Phys Ed Contract, Hires New VA Administrator

County Approves LiveWell Phys Ed Contract, Hires New VA Administrator

The Prowers County Commissioners had a diversified agenda for their Thursday meeting, January 24.  Talara Coen, Alta Vista Charter School Administer, requested support from the county to act as a financial pass-through agent allowing the school to receive a $100,000 grant to fund playground equipment upgrades.  Coen explained that she has full approval from the […]

Prowers Commissioners OK Planning Commission Members, Carnival Contract, 911 Observance Location

  The Prowers County Commissioners covered a range of agenda items during their regular meeting, Thursday, January 17.  The commissioners gave a verbatim approval for the annual contract between the Fair Board and Crabtree Amusements, ensuring the carnival will be in town for the Sand and Sage Fair this year.  Cindy Bennett, Fair Board member, […]

HOPE Plants a Seed for the Future

HOPE Plants a Seed for the Future

The Project HOPE garden at the Lincoln School Teen Center is off to a great start, thanks to students and community volunteers who showed up this past Saturday, November 17, to prepare the site for the next growing season.   Almost two acres of land is available for use and expansion, just north and on […]

Get Some Dirt on Your Hands!!

Get Some Dirt on Your Hands!!

  Volunteers are needed for a garden-building project this Saturday, November 17, at the former Lincoln School on North 10th Street in Lamar.  The Project HOPE Teen Center is constructing a HOPE Center Garden in a section of the playground and your help would be appreciated.  The weatherman is predicting a sunny day with a […]

Commissioners Approve Health Contracts and Fairground Rental

Commissioners Approve Health Contracts and Fairground Rental

Lisa Nolder, PCDI executive director, met with the Prowers County Commissioners to provide an update on local potential business developments as well as a rough draft of the Region Six Strategic Summary covering southeast Colorado.  The comprehensive assessment will be given to the Governor’s Economic Development Forum in early December.  Any recommended changes in the […]