Prowers County Health Alliance Newsletter

Prowers County Health Alliance Logo

The Alliance: The Prowers County Health Alliance (the Alliance) continues to work hard toward being the healthiest county in Colorado. Recently, in partnership with LiveWell Prowers County, the Alliance held a “Let’s Get Connected” kickoff event for a very important upcoming project that will change the health of children in Prowers County. The kickoff event was a huge success with 50 people in attendance! Through participating in this event, attendees really gained an understanding of collective impact and its importance for this project. Facilitated by Civic Canopy, it was revealed that 91% of the participants wanted to be a part of bettering our community. The focus of this project is to reduce childhood obesity rates in Prowers County. This project will bring residents and organizations together to create a Prowers County where all children are healthy! This is such an exciting time in our community. Many healthy changes are happening and the Alliance wants to encourage and applaud the residents of Prowers County for their commitment and continued support of the wellness of this community.

Mission:  The Prowers County Health Alliance will facilitate the process whereby a strategic plan is created that will provide the direction for Prowers County to be the healthiest county in Colorado.

Vision:  The Prowers County Health Alliance will provide leadership and direction for Prowers County to move toward being the healthiest county in Colorado.

Upcoming Events:

Family Fun Day

Family Fun Day, hosted by LiveWell Prowers County, is coming up on June 28th. Activities will be in the Willow Creek Park throughout the day.

Free swimming during the day and evening hours. Movie night begins at 9:00pm.

Community Engagement

Civic Canopy will be here during July to provide support to all communities in Prowers County.

Please attend the discussions in your community to have your voice heard and have input on a community project.


Continued input from the communities is vital to  becoming the healthiest county in Colorado.

Get involved!! Big changes are happening in Prowers County. Become part of it!

Please contact Sarah Aguilera for more information at 719-691-9157 or e-mail at
Sarah Aguilera

Filed Under: communityEducationHealthProwers County


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