All Entries Tagged With: "Dee Melgosa"

Time Narrows on Search for Replacement Granada Trustee
A one year seat on the Granada Board of Trustees remains vacant with only several weeks left to fill the gap left after one member resigned the position. A new appointee would retain the position for just about a year, until the April 2016 election is held for the community. Interested persons should contact the […]

Fiesta de Colores Festival Set for Sept 12/13 in Granada
This year’s Fiesta de Colores Festival will be held in Granada for five candidates for Queen with the coronation set for Friday, September 12 and a parade and festivities will be held on Saturday at the town park. The banquet will be held at the Granada Complex for the contestants, their parents and the […]

Discussion Stalls on Granada Police Department Financing
Stating that the Granada Trustees had listed an incorrect state statute on their August 13 meeting agenda to conduct an executive session, Granada Police Chief David Dougherty told the board that civil action might be a result if they held that session to discuss disbanding the Granada Police Department. The statute listed […]

Trustees Discuss Disbanding the Granada Police Department
Stating that the town’s budget is financially strained, some Granada Trustees are considering eliminating the town’s two-person police department, consisting of Chief David Dougherty and secretary Elsie Martin. The Trustees have held two town meetings and one special meeting to review the matter. The most recent discussion was on Wednesday, July 9 as several citizens […]

Lamar Chamber Honkers Visit Bison Title Co.
On July 22nd, the Lamar Chamber of Commerce Honkers visited Bison Title Co. at their new location at 121 South Main, in Lamar. Dee Melgosa recently moved her Title business to the new location (one door down) and has remodeled and really spruced up the new location. Bison Title Co. is open from 8:30 AM […]

Reorganization Plans Underway for Bristol-Granada Cemetery Board of Trustees
Over the years, documents pertaining to the operation and by-laws of the Bristol-Granada Cemetery District have faded from view. The three member trustee’s board has only had two members for several years, Lawrence McMillan and Ellis Wilson, and the cemetery employs a caretaker. The upkeep for the cemetery is derived from a county mill levy […]