Time Narrows on Search for Replacement Granada Trustee

Scheduled to be Demolished and Removed

Scheduled to be Demolished and Removed

A one year seat on the Granada Board of Trustees remains vacant with only several weeks left to fill the gap left after one member resigned the position.  A new appointee would retain the position for just about a year, until the April 2016 election is held for the community.  Interested persons should contact the Granada Town Hall at 734-5411 and submit a letter of interest.

Dee Melgosa, Granada resident and member of the Fiesta de Colores committee, discussed several improvement ideas with the Trustees during the monthly meeting, April 8.  Her committee requested permission, which was granted, to erect a flag pole in the town park, as well as an additional light pole, pending the cost of that project.  The Town Clerk, Jackie Malone, will contact SECPA, Southeast Colorado Power Authority, for direction on what steps to follow.  The Trustees picked up on an earlier discussion about establishing a volleyball court adjacent to the park.  There had been some concern regarding safety issues and insurance coverage for using a portion of the park for that project.  Trustee Andi Riddle suggested consolidating the volleyball and horseshow court with a soccer field in a vacant field next to the park.  Melgosa agreed with the idea and said she would come back to the Trustees with an outline of the plans.

On a similar note, Granada Police Chief, David Dougherty, told the Trustees that surveillance cameras at the park were almost ready to go online once the necessary wiring had been connected.  Last year, due to some increased vandalism at the park, the Trustees felt it was necessary to set up a video monitored camera system which would record activities at the park.    The Trustees approved a request to add C.J. Filbeck as a reserve officer for the Department.  “He’ll work mostly on weekends which will be a help, and his schedule won’t cost the Town any salary.  He said he wants to maintain his law officer certification and needs the hours to maintain it,” Dougherty explained.  Filbeck has been employed by the Lamar Police and Kiowa County Sheriff’s Office.  Dougherty said once the background check has been completed, he’ll be eligible to go on duty with the two other town reserve officers.

The Trustees approved a permit from Rita Marquez to demolish and move the five trailer houses which sit across the road from the Town Complex.  A building permit was approved for Ian DeBono to construct a roof over a patio on his property.  The Trustees also approved hiring Kenneth Shafer as the new Town Landfill Operator.

By Russ Baldwin

Filed Under: BusinesscommunityEconomyFeaturedGranadaLaw EnforcementProwers CountyPublic SafetyRecreationSportsTourism


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