RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "healthcare"

High Plains Community Health Center Welcomes New Providers

High Plains Community Health Center Welcomes New Providers

In an ongoing effort to provide quality, affordable care to the citizens of Lamar and the surrounding communities High Plains Community Health Center is committed to recruiting providers who will serve its clients with the best quality care. High Plains is pleased to announce its newest additions to its health care team. Cameron Freeman PA-C […]

Healthcare Survey Highlights Concerns About Cost and Fragmentation

Healthcare Survey Highlights Concerns About Cost and Fragmentation

La Junta, CO—August 13, 2013—Southeast Health Group Prowers County residents said they are concerned about the cost of health insurance, the rising cost of healthcare, and the disjointed system of care in Prowers County. Thirty community stakeholders from a diverse group that attends the Human Resources Committee meetings and the Prowers County Health Care Coalition […]

Stanton County Hospital to Provide Services at the Holly Clinic

Stanton County Hospital to Provide Services at the Holly Clinic

Stanton County Hospital is pleased to announce that it has signed a lease with the Holly Community Corporation to provide services at the Holly Medical Clinic. Stanton County Hospital has a long history of serving the healthcare needs of the residents of Southeastern Colorado and welcomes the opportunity to bring clinic services to Holly. The […]

EMT Courses Offered at Little to No Cost

EMT Courses Offered at Little to No Cost

(Lamar, Colorado; April 2, 2013) Interested in becoming an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)? Lamar Community College will offer EMT training at little or no cost to you. Courses begin on April 29th and will be held on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday nights from 6-9:30p with an additional four Saturdays planned. The courses are scheduled to […]

Chamber Honkers and Directors Visit Mindrat Consulting, LLC PC

Chamber Honkers and Directors Visit Mindrat Consulting, LLC PC

Lamar Chamber of Commerce Honkers expanded their knowledge of available mental healthcare services and paid a visit to Mindrat Consulting, LLC PC, located at 313 South 5th, Suite 5, in Lamar. We met Catherine R. Tempel, MAT/MA, and Demelza V. Stout, MA/LPC/NCC, who offer adult, adolescent and child, individual and family therapy in a mind/body/spirit […]

PMC Celebrates Safety Net Clinic Week

PMC Celebrates Safety Net Clinic Week

PROWERS MEDICAL CENTER CELEBRATES THE 3rd ANNUAL SAFETY NET CLINIC WEEK, AUG 20 – 24 WITH A VISIT FROM THE OFFICE OF U.S. CONGRESSMAN, CORY GARDNER. Lamar, CO – August 16, 2012 – Prowers Medical Center, along with other Colorado community-funded safety net clinics and federally certified rural health clinics are celebrating the third annual […]

Dr. David Torres Joins Southeast Mental Health Services

Dr. David Torres Joins Southeast Mental Health Services

La Junta, CO—March 18, 2012—Southeast Mental Health Services Dr. David Torres, MD, is the new full-time psychiatrist at Southeast Mental Health Services, a position previously held by Dr. John Hardy, MD. Dr. Torres earned his medical degree from Stony Brook School of Medicine in Long Island, New York, and completed his psychiatric residency training at […]

Letter to the Editor - PMC Rehab Lori Denman

Letter to the Editor – PMC Rehab Lori Denman

  Letter to the editor 4/21/2012 Citizens of Prowers County Hospital District: I want to take this opportunity to let the voters know why Prowers Medical Center patients will benefit from the new rehabilitation center. I am extremely disappointed in all of the negative rumors being circulated in our community at this time and would […]

PMC CEO Jim Fairchild Announces Resignation

PMC CEO Jim Fairchild Announces Resignation

For Immediate Release: February 23, 2012 Jim Fairchild Announces Resignation Lamar, CO – Jim Fairchild, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Prowers Medical Center has announced his resignation from the hospital effective May 23, 2012. Jim’s many years of experience as a hospital CEO and his familiarity with small, rural communities will be greatly missed. It will […]

Prowers Medical Group - Veterans Affairs Clinic Open House

Prowers Medical Group – Veterans Affairs Clinic Open House

For Immediate Release: November 4, 2011 In June of this year, Prowers Medical Group opened the Lamar VA Clinic. It has been an honor to serve the Veterans in the southeast Colorado region. Prowers Medical Group is proud to announce that we recently received notification that our contract to provide these healthcare services to Veterans […]

Prowers Medical Group Awarded U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Contract

Prowers Medical Group Awarded U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Contract

Prowers Medical Group announced today that it has been awarded a contract by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to provide primary healthcare services to area Veterans, effective June 1st 2011. The new VA Lamar Primary Outpatient Clinic (POC) will be located at 405 Kendall Drive Lamar CO. The VA Lamar POC is located in […]