All Entries Tagged With: "Common Core"

School Board Candidates Explore Ideas During Zonta Political Forum
There are five contested and two uncontested candidates on the November General Election ballot for seats on the Lamar RE-2 District school board. Elizabeth Whitham moderated a political form at Lamar Community College, hosted by the Lamar Chapter of the Zonta International organization this past Tuesday, October 20. The audience listened to each of the […]

Crowder Town Hall Meeting Focuses on Education, Finance
State Senator from District 35, Larry Crowder, tried to cover as many topics as possible for the full audience for his Town Hall Meeting this past Saturday, February 21, before he was on the road to La Junta for another session. In anticipation of the pending weekend snows, Senator Crowder was in town Friday night […]

Letter to the Editor: Common Core
I want to thank the Concerned Citizens for Liberty Group for bringing Dr. Duke Pesta to Lamar to have the opportunity to hear his educational presentation on Common Core. I feel our government bribed all schools with Race to the Top funding, and in exchange they’d have to follow the new Common Core standards. Wouldn’t […]

Letter to the Editor – More Common Core
To Whom It May Concern; Thank you, Marvin Hasser, for your letter regarding the NHA(National Heritage Areas designation for Southeast Colorado). Because you mentioned Common Core, it motivated me to elaborate even more on this most intrusive federal government form of “education.” Much like the NHA’s attempt to “buy out farmers and ranchers claiming it’s […]

To Whom It May Concern; Common Core
“Common Core!” Have your heard about it? I didn’t pay too much attention at first, but there has been so much controversary that I finally had to. First, I heard how bad it was, then it became to prevalent in schools, that surely it couldn’t be too bad. So, I began to delve into […]

Letter to the Editor: Common Core/National Charter School Week
Colorado’s Charter Schools Deserve Recognition During National Charter School Week No educational system is perfect. But Colorado does a lot of things right when it comes to educating its children. One is how Colorado does charter schools. According to the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools, Colorado currently ranks 5th in the nation in […]

Letter to the Editor: Common Core
To Whom It May Concern, Ahhh…the comfort zone! It’s such an imposition and inconvenience to have to go outside of it. But, what happens when you realize that a deliberate deception has occurred while you were sleeping? And what if it involved your children? Well, you either rise up or act or you fluff […]