State Fair Fans: $150,000 Still Unclaimed From Cashless Cards

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Refunds Being Offered Until Sept. 2 at the Colorado State Fairgrounds


PUEBLO, Colo. – A little more than $150,000 is still unclaimed in refunds from the “Cashless Card” used at last year’s Colorado State Fair, and refunds are only available until the end of the 2014 Fair on September 1.


The Cashless Card is NOT being used at the Fair this year, and the Fair has no plans of returning to this particular system in the future. The Fair has gone back to accepting cash in payment for all food, drinks, rides and other purchases.


In 2013, fairgoers deposited money on Cashless Cards to buy items during the Fair and some visitors still have unspent money credited to their cards.


The total amount remaining in unclaimed refunds from the cards is approximately $150,300. Anyone who deposited money on a Cashless Card last year can still get a refund of any unspent money by going to the refund office, located on the Fairgrounds in Pueblo, Colo. The office is located in the Palace of Agriculture.


The refund office is open every day of the Fair from noon to 7 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and Labor Day.


This year’s Fair runs Friday, August 22, to Monday, September 1.


Fair visitors have until 7 pm on September 1 to make sure they get any refunds they have coming from last year. After that, pursuant to state law (Section 38-13-108.2(1), C.R.S.) any non-refunded money will be considered abandoned property, and the Colorado State Fair will submit such property to the administrator of Colorado’s Unclaimed Property Fund.


The 2014 Colorado State Fair will mark the Fair’s 142nd year as Colorado’s premier celebration of agriculture. The Fairgrounds provides nearly $34 million in economic activity to Colorado throughout the year; $29 million of that activity is driven by the annual State Fair event. In addition to showcasing Colorado agriculture, the annual event features one of the country’s largest traveling carnivals, artwork, crafts, food competitions, thrilling rodeo action, a wide variety of food and merchandise booths and a Fiesta Day honoring Colorado’s ties to the Hispanic culture. 

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