Prowers County Sheriff Report, February 2013

The Prowers County Sheriff’s Office responded to 272 calls for service this past February, 2013.  Lamar posted 155 calls, followed by 81 from the County, 37 from Holly and 15 from Wiley.  Sixty of the Lamar calls were jail-related with eight warrant arrests noted, two for drugs and one for theft.  The County had 24 responses for traffic accidents, five for warrant arrests, and five for theft.  Holly had three disturbances, two for animal problems and three for harassment.  Wiley had three traffic related calls and one harassment and one drug related call.  Twenty-two warning tickets were issued, along with nine traffic citations and five criminal summonses.  Seven new investigation cases were assigned to the Sheriff’s Department and 22 cases were cleared in February, resulting in 11 charges being filed.  Nine investigations are still active. 

There were 20 less bookings in the County Jail in February, compared to the same time last year, with an equal decrease of 10 for men and 10 for women in that period.  Year-to-date bookings are at 206. The average number of inmates held in February was 42.  Twelve inmates were reported to immigration authorities in February.  The department noted 5,964 people were screened at the Prowers County Courthouse last month with a daily average of 298.  Security made two arrests on individuals based on warrants. 

Detective T. Weisenhorn and Posse Deputy Reamy arrested Christopher Maestas, 31, of Lamar in the 100 block of North Main Street for unlawful distribution/sale of synthetic marijuana and related charges.  He was held at the Prowers County Jail on $8,000 bond.  As a result of the first incident, Senior Deputy Zordel arrested Jamiel Sylvester Inniss, 32, of Lamar, also in the 100 block of North Main Street on the same charges and bond as Maestas, as well as a Parole hold. 

The cost of inmate meals in February 2013 was $9,462.96 and medical expenses for that period were $2,182.72.  Expenses for February were $142,227.90 and Revenue was listed at $13,271.91.

Filed Under: BusinessCitycommunityCountyEconomyEmploymentFeaturedGranadaHollyLamarLaw EnforcementPolice ReportsProwers CountyPublic SafetyWiley


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