All Entries in the "Police Reports" Category

Life-Savers Recognized by Council
Several months ago, the most frightening event young parents can experience happened to a young mother, her infant child stopped breathing. When immediate efforts to get the child to resume breathing didn’t work, local emergency response teams were called and went into action. Those life-saving efforts were recognized during the Lamar City Council meeting Monday, […]

Police Academy Begins April 14
The Lamar Police Department is accepting applications to attend the 2016 Citizen Academy, which will be instructed by the officers of the Lamar Police Department and members of the Lamar Fire Department. The Academy will begin on April 14, 2016. The training will give the citizens of Lamar a general understanding of the daily […]

CSP Investigating Kiowa County Fatality
The Colorado State Patrol is currently investigating a single-vehicle crash, which resulted in a single fatality. The crash occurred on Colorado Highway 96, 2.5 miles west of Sheridan Lake, in Kiowa County. A 2010 Dodge Avenger driven by Brooke A. Pearce, age 23, of Cheyenne Wells, Colorado, was traveling westbound on Colorado Highway 96 when the […]

Colorado Traffic Fatalities Surge in 2015
CDOT Doubles Down on Outreach to Drivers STATEWIDE — Preliminary data from the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) indicates that traffic fatalities rose by 10% in 2015. In 2015 there were 545 traffic fatalities in Colorado, compared to the 488 fatalities in 2014. “Every fatality is one too many, which is why we are […]

Spay/Neutering Funding Sought for Lamar Animal Shelter
Most communities have a problem with unowned dogs and cats roaming the neighborhoods and Lamar is no different. Daily police reports show numerous calls to the Code Enforcement Officers to corral lost or run-away pets, as well as homeless dogs with no permanent address. Indiscriminate breeding only leads to an increase in stray dogs which […]

Holiday Party DUI Enforcement Cites 596 Impaired Drivers
New Study Shows 57% of Denver Adults Don’t Know the DUI Law STATEWIDE — The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), Colorado State Patrol (CSP) and local law enforcement agencies successfully completed holiday party DUI enforcement under The Heat Is On campaign, resulting in 596 drivers arrested for impaired driving. The Holiday Party DUI enforcement period […]

Two Hasty Residents Injured in Wiley Junction Rollover
On Tuesday, December 22, 2015 at 4:49pm, the Colorado State Patrol responded to a one-vehicle rollover accident on Hwy 50 approximately six miles west of Lamar in Prowers County. The vehicle, a 1996 Silver Honda Accord, was westbound when it drifted into the center median. The driver, Christine Schmelzer of Hasty, Colorado, overcorrected to […]

Fatal Fire in Haswell Under Investigation
Haswell, Colo. –Dec. 14, 2015 – Multiple fire departments responded to a fully engulfed home at 4 a.m. today. Initial reports of an adult male inside the home were confirmed as a fatality. The home is located in the 100 block of South Main Street and is a total loss. The identity of the […]

Body Found by Holly Colorado Duck Hunters
Prowers County Sheriff, Sam Zordel received a call around 8:30 am this past Saturday, December 12, 2015, concerning a body discovered by duck hunters found laying in the water in a seep ditch about ¾ miles east of Holly. Sheriff Zordel said it appeared to be a male of unknown age and that an autopsy […]

CDOT Rolling with Thanksgiving ‘Heat is On’ Campaign
The Heat Is On For Turkeys and Drivers This Thanksgiving CDOT and CSP’s DUI Enforcement Begins Today STATEWIDE — While many of us sit down to enjoy a Thanksgiving feast with friends and family, Colorado’s dedicated law enforcement officers throughout the state will work overtime, citing and arresting those that choose to drive under the […]

Work Underway on Granada Safe Routes Project
Excavation work began on November 6 in Granada for the CDOT Safe Routes to School project. Granada Police Chief, David Dougherty, provided a progress report to the Trustees during their monthly meeting on November 11th. Work on curbs and gutters is expected to begin the latter part of the week and warm weather will […]

New Council Sworn In, City Approves Water Project Loan Application
Two Lamar City Council meetings were held Monday, November 9 and were a part of a municipal housekeeping process following a general election. The first meeting, held with current city council members approved the consent agenda. The second meeting, at about 5 minutes later, began with swearing in ceremonies for any new council members, a […]

Baca County Resident Dies in Highway 287 Crash
The Colorado State Patrol is investigating a crash, which resulted in a single fatality. The crash occurred Friday, November 6, 2015, on Colorado Highway 287 approximately two miles north of Springfield, Colorado, in Baca County. A Hesston Swather Tractor was traveling northbound on Colorado Highway 287, while a 2007 GMC Yukon Ambulance was also traveling […]

Bristol Woman Injured in Highway Crash
The Colorado State Patrol is investigating a 2-vehicle crash that occurred on Colorado Highway 385 at Second Street in Bristol, Colorado. A 1999 Toyota Sienna, driven by Zona Lashbrook, age 81, of Bristol, Colorado, attempted to make a left turn from northbound Colorado Highway 385 onto Second Street in Bristol. The Toyota was struck by […]

Single-Vehicle Fatal Crash in Otero County
The Colorado State Patrol is investigating a single-vehicle crash that occurred Wednesday on Colorado Highway 10 near milepost 70, in Otero County. The crash resulted in a single fatality as well as one of the occupants suffering serious injury. A 1996 Volvo Sedan driven by 44-year-old George Nelson out of La Junta, Colorado was traveling […]

Municipal Judge Kim Verhoeff Explains Useful Public Service Options
Lamar Municipal Court Judge, Kim Verhoeff, attended a city council work session Monday, October 5, to shed some light on her interpretation of how and when to apply Useful Public Service to area defendants. Judge Verhoeff had been informed there was some concern over the lack of use of the service during her term as […]

LPD Hosts Drug Take Back Saturday, Sept 26
The Lamar Police Department will be participating in the National Drug Take-Back Initiative in cooperation with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration on September 26, 2015 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The program is designed for people with unwanted and unused prescription drugs to safely dispose of those medications. One goal of the program is […]

La Junta Man Injured in Hwy 109 Motorcycle Crash
The Colorado State Patrol investigated a single vehicle crash that occurred at approximately 7:20pm on Saturday, September 12 on Colorado State Highway 109 near mile point 12, in Las Animas County. At the time of the crash a 1988 Harley Davison Motorcycle, driven by Mark Ryan, a 53 year old male from La Junta, […]

Costly Swimming Pool Repairs Considered by Lamar City Council
The Lamar City Council discussed a proposal to hire a consulting firm to determine what has caused pieces of the pool’s finish lining to peel off, sometimes by as much as two foot strips. The Lamar Municipal Swimming Pool was resurfaced in 2013 by Pacific Western Coatings, but the results on the finish have not been […]

CSP Reports Fatality on Highway 287 South of Lamar
The Colorado State Patrol investigated a two vehicle crash involving one fatal injury which occurred early Tuesday afternoon, August 25, 2015, approximately 12 miles south of Lamar. A 2013 Ford Mustang was traveling southbound on Highway 287 when it went into the northbound lane of traffic and collided with the left saddle tank and […]