RSSAll Entries in the "Public Safety" Category

Training Fire at Lamar High School

Training Fire at Lamar High School

The Prowers County Rural Fire Department conducted a control burn grass fire in the fields just west of the Lamar High School last night, March 9th.  The area was between the soccer field and the livestock barn used by agricultural students.  Rural Fire Chief Staffon Warn said the calm night provided an opportunity for a […]

Adult Community Corrections Facility Suggested for Lamar

Adult Community Corrections Facility Suggested for Lamar

  Doug Carrigan from ATC, Advantage Treatment Center in Sterling, Colorado, addressed the Lamar City Council during a March 12th work session and outlined a concept for a 30-40 bed client facility in town.  Carrigan is the executive director of the Sterling facility and he told the council he believes the Lamar community would benefit […]

Holly Trustee Vote Set for April 5

Holly Trustee Vote Set for April 5

  Ballots will be cast at Holly’s City Complex for the April 5th municipal election this year. The Complex is at 200 South 3rd Street and will be open for balloting from 7am to 7pm, according to town clerk, Megan Jara.   Current Trustees, Marty Campbell and Larry Sitts are running for re-election and Holly residents, […]

CPW Reminds Boaters of Inspection Requirements

CPW Reminds Boaters of Inspection Requirements

DENVER – As boating season approaches, Colorado Parks and Wildlife reminds boaters once again to help prevent the spread of aquatic nuisance species (ANS). Memorial Day weekend may officially kick off the 2016 boating season, but some lakes and reservoirs are slated to open as early as March 1. The best way to stop the spread of […]

Holly Trustees Review South Well Problems/Solutions

Holly Trustees Review South Well Problems/Solutions

  Holly resident Jerry Smith was probably speaking for more persons than himself and his wife, when he asked for an update on the town’s south well repair situation during the March 2nd Trustees meeting. The town has shut down the well because of sediment being produced by the spray caused by a cracked check […]

CDOT Launches New “Contact Us” Feature as Part of its Enhanced, Multifaceted Customer Service Program

CDOT Launches New “Contact Us” Feature as Part of its Enhanced, Multifaceted Customer Service Program

STATEWIDE – Today, March 2, the Colorado Department of Transportation will be launching the last phase of its multi-pronged effort to improve and streamline customer service to the general public:  the online “Contact Us” feature. The first change in CDOT’s new “customer service experience” upgrades was the launch of newly revamped web sites:  CDOT’s main […]

Skywarn Weather Spotter Training Dates

Skywarn Weather Spotter Training Dates

  FREE TRAINING…The National Weather Service in Pueblo provides SKYWARN weather spotter preparedness and training. Typically the sessions are scheduled from late March through early May each year, and are a cooperative effort of local government officials and the National Weather Service.  The sessions are FREE OF CHARGE and usually open to everyone, except when […]

Willow Creek Park Selected as Potential Skateboard Site

Willow Creek Park Selected as Potential Skateboard Site

The Lamar City Council weighed the pros and cons of several potential sites for a skateboard park within the city limits and informally agreed that the southern end of Willow Creek Park would be the best location. Other viable sites discussed during the February 29th work session included Escondido Park, Bicentennial Park and the horseshoe […]

Wal-Mart Subdivision Plat Finalized, Another Derelict House to Come Down

Wal-Mart Subdivision Plat Finalized, Another Derelict House to Come Down

  The final plat of the Wal-Mart Subdivision has been finalized as the department store contracted with a private firm to complete the plat. Wiley Work, Lamar City Engineer and Jeremy McEndree, of the City Building Department, told the City Council, that Lot 1 is the present site of the store and Lot 2 is […]

Granada Discusses PUMA Buy-In for Economic Study

Granada Discusses PUMA Buy-In for Economic Study

The Granada Trustees were briefed on the approaching PUMA economic study by the Prowers County Commissioners as well as Rick Robbins, President of Prowers County Development Incorporated and board member Cindy Otto. PUMA, Progressive Urban Management Associates, will visit towns in Prowers County on February 29th and March 1st, and speak with key community members, […]

Domestic Safety Resource Center Urges Caution on Donations

Domestic Safety Resource Center Urges Caution on Donations

Domestic Safety Resource Center provides free confidential services to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking in the 15th Judicial District – Baca, Cheyenne, Kiowa and Prowers Counties. We are mostly grant funded, however we do accept donations from private individuals, businesses and other organizations. We DO NOT solicit donations by going door to […]

Life-Savers Recognized by Council

Life-Savers Recognized by Council

Several months ago, the most frightening event young parents can experience happened to a young mother, her infant child stopped breathing. When immediate efforts to get the child to resume breathing didn’t work, local emergency response teams were called and went into action. Those life-saving efforts were recognized during the Lamar City Council meeting Monday, […]

City Continues House Demolition Project

City Continues House Demolition Project

  Tearing down derelict houses in Lamar helps improve a neighborhood in a number of ways; the area becomes free of blight, property values have a chance to increase, there’s less of a risk of other houses falling into disrepair, vandalism, vagrancy and drug houses are reduced, and an opportunity develops for a new house […]

Council Receives Funding for Bridge Repair

Council Receives Funding for Bridge Repair

“Team Lamar”; the Lamar City Council sported Bronco jerseys for Monday night’s council meeting, courtesy of Gerry Jenkins, council member. The Broncos, of course, won Sunday’s Super Bowl match against the Carolina Panthers and the council agreed to hold off on city matters long enough for a requested group shot.  Maybe they can do it […]

CDOT Provides Estimated Timeline for Main Street Construction

CDOT Provides Estimated Timeline for Main Street Construction

  The Main Street construction project in Lamar will be conducted in three phases over several years and the bidding for a contractor for the first phase will begin May 5th of this year.  Brian Long, CDOT resident engineer for southeast Colorado and Dean VanDeWege, P.E. Senior Project Manager for Jacobs Consulting, hosted a public […]

Kiowa County Murdock Building Receives Preservation Funding

Kiowa County Murdock Building Receives Preservation Funding

Representative Tim Dore presented a check to the Murdock Building preservation for $170,171. on Friday, February 5, 2016  This check will help stabilize a portion of the structure of the historic building.  Kiowa County purchased the Murdoch Building in 2007 with plans to rehab a portion for its use as a senior center and Sand […]

Holly Trustees Election Set for April 5

Holly Trustees Election Set for April 5

  The Town of Holly will hold a municipal election for Trustees and Mayor on April 5th of this year.  Current Trustees, Marty Campbell and Larry Stitts are up for re-election and Holly residents, Josh Reinert and Corey Stephans are making a bid for a seat on the Trustee’s board.  Jerry Jones, who has become […]

PMC Debuts New Operating Room

PMC Debuts New Operating Room

A spacious and more up-to-date operating room has been in use at Prowers Medical Center since the latter part of January. The new feature is part of the renovation and expansion project set to be completed later this spring at the hospital.  PMC board members and the media were given a tour of the facility […]

Colorado Launches Statewide Open Innovation Challenge

Colorado Launches Statewide Open Innovation Challenge

  “Imagine Colorado” asks Coloradans to submit their best ideas to make kids healthier in exchange for $25,000 in prizes. DENVER – Mon., Feb. 1, 2016 – Gov. John Hickenlooper, the Colorado Innovation Network (COIN) and LiveWell Colorado today launched Imagine Colorado, the nation’s first-ever statewide open innovation challenge. Imagine Colorado is seeking bold ideas […]

Police Academy Begins April 14

Police Academy Begins April 14

  The Lamar Police Department is accepting applications to attend the 2016 Citizen Academy, which will be instructed by the officers of the Lamar Police Department and members of the Lamar Fire Department. The Academy will begin on April 14, 2016.  The training will give the citizens of Lamar a general understanding of the daily […]