All Entries Tagged With: "Spreading Antlers Golf Course"

Lamar Chamber Selects New Board, Schedules Annual Banquet
This year’s annual Lamar Chamber of Commerce Banquet will be held Thursday, January 28th at the Wolves Den Event Center, south of Spreading Antlers Golf Course at 27534 Highway 287 in Lamar. Chamber board members recently selected five new members for the new year, replacing one member who resigned and four others whose terms had […]

Lodging Panel Receives Long-Range Funding Requests
The Prowers County Lodging Tax Panel entertained some new ideas for funding requests during their monthly meeting on October 20th. The first came from the Spreading Antlers Golf Course, represented by Gib Sprout and Jack Van Hook, board members of the club. Van Hook explained that in an effort to bring more revenue into […]

Lamar Council Approves Funding for LPD Policy Upgrades
The Lamar Police Department will receive a new policy and procedure manual from the firm, Lexipol. Lamar Police Chief, Kyle Miller, explained the service will also provide local officers with daily scenarios-based training that reinforces agency approved policies and procedures, as well as regular updates for the life of the contract. Chief Miller added, […]

Lamar City Council Deals with Pot, Pit Bulls, Ponies, Pets and Property
The passage of Amendment 64 on the state constitution, has required the City of Lamar to review its Municipal Code and identify changes to keep the city’s ordinances regarding marijuana possession and use in compliance with the most recent upgrades to the state’s statutes. The city made some ordinance changes in 2013, but additional changes […]

Lamar Council Considers PMC, Spreading Antlers Requests
The Lamar City Council took no action during their work session Monday, March 9, on requests for financial support from two entities, Prowers Medical Center and Spreading Antlers Golf Course. Prowers Medical Center had requested a waiver of $54,000 in building permit fees for its pending construction project, estimated at $7,595,000. The construction is expected […]

Lamar Area Hospice Receives $20,000 Donation
Deb Pelley, Executive Director of Lamar Area Hospice, was presented with a check for $20,000 this past Monday, November 24. Two annual events are held which raise funds that go directly to the local hospice organization; the August Angels Open Golf Tournament at Spreading Antlers Golf Course, and the annual Hospice Barn Dance, held […]

PCDI Discusses Rural Business Loan Sources
Prowers County Development Incorporated has accepted insurance bids from between eight and ten agents in Lamar and Prowers County for the East Washington Street property. Premiums following roof repairs on one of the warehouses following a summer wind storm have increased significantly and the PCDI board is looking for the best deal. Board member […]

Lamar Hosts this Year’s State American Legion Convention, June 19-22
The City of Lamar was chosen to host this year’s 2014 Colorado American Legion Convention, and that convention will be underway this Thursday, June 19 through June 22, in and around Lamar beginning with a Thursday morning golf tournament at Spreading Antlers Golf Course. Almost a year ago, Denise Carder, then Lamar Chamber of Commerce […]

Plenty of Planes for the Fly-in
A cool fall morning, light breezes and sunny skies combined for a perfect day for viewing an assortment of airplanes on the ground, and in the air, at the Lamar Airport this past Saturday, September 28. Early morning visitors to the annual Fly-In had a chance to enjoy a breakfast provided by Smokin Willy’s BBQ, […]

Interviews Begin for New PCDI Executive Director
The regular monthly meeting of the Prowers County Development Incorporated board of directors will focus on interviews with candidates for the executive director position. The executive session meeting, set for Tuesday, August 27, will not have an agenda, as the directors will privately discuss the director position with four candidates, three of whom are […]

Tornado Near Two Buttes, No Damage Reported
A storm cloud buildup southeast of Lamar was visible Thursday afternoon. Although Lamar received it’s brief downpour on Wednesday evening, an afternoon tornado warning was posted by the National Weather Service for northeast Baca and southeast Prowers counties between 2pm and 3pm. A tornado was sighted southeast of Two Buttes shortly after 2pm and […]

Lodging Panel Funds Remember Foundation BBQ/Dance
Holly Burton and Lisa Thomas, representing the Remember Foundation, a local Alzheimer’s support group, outlined the organization’s second annual fundraiser, set for July 3 this year. Their request for $600 in marketing costs was approved by the Prowers Lodging Tax Panel during their monthly meeting, Tuesday, June 18. The event, which will be held […]

PCDI Discusses Rental Option on Big R Property, Nolder Replacement
The past two executive sessions held by board members of Prowers County Development, Inc. have dealt with negotiations regarding the Big R warehouse and office space on Washington Street in Lamar. The most recent discussion held during the monthly board meeting Tuesday, April 30 covered that as well as personnel matters. Executive Director, Lisa […]

LCC to Celebrate 75th Anniversary Homecoming Weekend
(Lamar, Colorado; April 8, 2013) Lamar Community College will hold a 75th Anniversary “Homecoming” on April 26 – 28 for alumni, current students, current and former faculty & staff, and community members. With a variety of events there will be something for everyone to enjoy. On Friday, April 26th, the College will give free campus […]

County OKAYs Water Shares for Cemetery District, Monster Truck Show Gets Green Light
Rella Ann Steele and Joel Kalma, East Prowers Cemetery District Board members, had their request for 8 Prowers County LAWMA water shares for cemetery use approved by the commissioners. The rate for the year was set at $100 per share. Steele explained that the board and the new groundskeeper had made some real improvements at […]

We Got Wind, They Got Snow
Hopes for a wetter or whiter Christmas went unanswered this past Wednesday, December 19, with only a little snow and a lot of wind and dust combined. Gusts approached 60mph in parts of southeast Colorado and the blowing snow reduced visibility to the point that Highway 70 between Limon and Kansas was temporarily closed to […]

Lamar Man Injured in Dust-Storm, Car Crash
Multiple crashes caused by “brown-out” conditions. On Saturday, November 10, 2012, at approximately 10:00 AM, The Colorado State Patrol, Prowers County Sheriff’s Office and the Lamar Police Department, responded to Colorado Hwy 287 between mile posts 73 and 74 for a report of a two vehicle crash caused by brown-out conditions. This location is in […]

Business of the Week – Lamar Elks Lodge #1319
You help your community thrive when you shop locally! Be sure to read The Prowers Journal each week when the Lamar Chamber of Commerce and The Prowers Journal highlight a featured Business of the Week. This week we are proud to spotlight the Lamar Elks Lodge #1319. Give them a call at: 719.336-7886 Lamar Lodge #1319 began in May, 1915, […]

PCDI Moving to Rodeway Cow Palace Inn, Sets 2013 Budget
The PCDI headquarters move won’t take place until the start of 2013, essentially a cost-cutting move approved by the Prowers County Development Incorporated board. With only minor changes, the 2013 budget reflects the financial structure for the economic development organization for 2012. The City of Lamar and Prowers County Commissioners will each contribute $50,000 to […]

Show of Support for Lamar Area Hospice
The benefit dinner and dance for Lamar Area Hospice is an annual event and major local fund-raiser for the organization. The donations raised from this, and other events, helps support the ongoing work of Lamar Area Hospice, currently renovating their new headquarters at the former Lamar Hotel on West Olive Street in Lamar. A […]