RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "PCDI"

Where They Stand: Holly & Granada Economic Assessment Report

Where They Stand: Holly & Granada Economic Assessment Report

  A Rural Economic Development grant has financed a study of Holly and Granada to provide an assessment of the current and potential business climate of each community. The Colorado Department of Local Affairs, DOLA and the Colorado Office of Economic Development of International Trade, sponsored the study which was held earlier in the year. […]

PUMA, First Steps for Economic Development for Prowers County

PUMA, First Steps for Economic Development for Prowers County

Following welcoming remarks to the luncheon attendees and a general outline on PUMA’s plans for their initial visit, Prowers County Commissioner, Ron Cook, turned the proceedings over to Anna Jones, VP of Progressive Urban Management Associates and Senior Associate Erika Heller. This was the introductory meeting on February 29th with various community leaders where PUMA […]

The Lamar City Council Gets in the Game, Helps Fund PUMA Study

The Lamar City Council Gets in the Game, Helps Fund PUMA Study

  While the city council did not allocate $50,000 in funding to Prowers County Development Incorporated for 2016, a request was made to the city late last year by Ron Cook, Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, to help fund a county-wide economic study priced at $50,000. PCDI pledged $25,000 to develop strategies and the […]

Council Reviews Final Water Rate Increases

Council Reviews Final Water Rate Increases

Water rates will increase early this year for City of Lamar customers as the council is expected to approve the resolution at the next city council meeting on January 11th.  The council held a multi-purpose work session on the 4th to provide a final review of the rate increases for residential and commercial customers.  The […]

Council Wraps Up 2015, Discusses Funding for Economic Development Study

Council Wraps Up 2015, Discusses Funding for Economic Development Study

    The City of Lamar is receiving funding to improve the deficiency rating for the short bridge crossing the Lamar Canal and linking the city’s industrial park to Commercial Street. The State Special Highway Committee recommended the funding for $392,480.  City Administrator, John Sutherland, told the council the bridge has a 20 rating which […]

PCDI Seeking Partners on PUMA Plan

PCDI Seeking Partners on PUMA Plan

  Additional details about the PUMA, Progressive Urban Management Associates, economic assessment for Prowers County were discussed during the monthly Prowers County Development Incorporated board meeting, December 15th.  Last month the board decided to fund one half of the $50,000 project with $25,000, proceeds derived from the recent sale of the East Washington Street incentive […]

City Moving Forward on Economic Development Areas

City Moving Forward on Economic Development Areas

It appears as though the city will soon hire a replacement for Shawna Hodge, the former Main Street Coordinator who resigned earlier this spring. That position has undergone some changes in responsibilities and City Administrator John Sutherland told the council this past Monday, December 14th, that a verbal agreement is being reached with the new […]

PCDI Board Discusses 2016 Funding, Objectives

PCDI Board Discusses 2016 Funding, Objectives

  PCDI Interim Executive Director George Gotto, who will step down from the position this month, thanked the board for their cooperation and assistance during his tenure when he stepped in several months after the resignation of Lance Benninghoff, the former PCDI director. In his final report to the board, Gotto said he and County […]

Local Statistics Discussed at PCDI Monthly Meeting

Local Statistics Discussed at PCDI Monthly Meeting

“Twenty-five percent of the jobs in Prowers County are government based,” said George Gotto, Interim Executive Director of Prowers County Development Incorporated. He was relating some financial and population statistics from a recent study which detailed the demographics of several southeast Colorado counties, made available during a recent economic development director meeting held in La […]

Rural Connections Concept Discussed at PCDI Meeting

Rural Connections Concept Discussed at PCDI Meeting

Several hundred seniors graduate from southeast Colorado high schools each year. If they aren’t attending college in Lamar or La Junta, what does the local job market hold for these graduates?  How prepared are they to enter into the business world available to them? Julie Worley of “Rural Connections” in La Junta broached those questions […]

Goal Met for 2016 Holly Fireworks Display

Goal Met for 2016 Holly Fireworks Display

Holly Fun Club members, Claudia Parker and Jackie Leiker informed the Holly Commercial Club, a recent dinner and silent auction raised almost $1,000, half of which will be donated to the Holly Volunteer Fire Department. Jake Holdren said the Fire Department had met their goal with their fundraisers, but still needs to cover insurance costs, a […]

PCDI Board of Directors Respond to Lamar's Decision to Pull Funding

PCDI Board of Directors Respond to Lamar’s Decision to Pull Funding

(LAMAR, COLORADO) – Brilliant innovator and business man Henry Ford had a vision for success.  He said, “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.”  Since its inception, Prowers County Development, Incorporated (PCDI) has been honored to have the support from and work with the Prowers County and City of […]

City Resolution Will Divert Funds from PCDI

City Resolution Will Divert Funds from PCDI

A resolution passed by the Lamar City Council during their October 26th meeting called for funds normally earmarked for Prowers County Development Incorporated in the 2016 city budget, to be redirected for community development in conjunction with the city’s Main Street Program. The City of Lamar and Prowers County have shared the costs of funding PCDI […]

PCDI Closes with Washington Street Commercial Park, LLC on Warehouse Facility

PCDI Closes with Washington Street Commercial Park, LLC on Warehouse Facility

(LAMAR, COLORADO) – Prowers County Development, Inc. (PCDI) has owned and operated the commercial property at 310 East Washington Street in Lamar since it was donated by Big R when they relocated their warehouse facility and corporate offices out of the area. This month, PCDI has sold the property to Washington Street Commercial Park, LLC. […]

PCDI Should Reflect Unique Offering to Potential Business Developers

PCDI Should Reflect Unique Offering to Potential Business Developers

George Gotto, Interim Executive Director for PCDI, Prowers County Development Incorporated, recapped his visit to the hemp farm that is developing in La Junta during the organization’s monthly meeting. The Whole Hemp Company has 100 acres planted using drip irrigation this year and employs about 30 people. He stated, “They expect to have from 200 […]

Lamar City Council Reviews Job Description for URA Manager

Lamar City Council Reviews Job Description for URA Manager

The Lamar City Council held a work session prior to its regular Monday night meeting on September 28th, covering needed changes for the Community Development and Urban Renewal Manager positions left vacant by the recent departure of Shawna Hodge. City Administrator, John Sutherland, gave the council a one page outline covering the job description. Sutherland […]

Holly Commercial Club Makes Donations

Holly Commercial Club Makes Donations

  Claudia Parker and Jackie Leiker from the Holly Fun Club, presented some of their plans for the approaching Holly Gateway Fair, September 26-29 during the Holly Commercial Club’s monthly meeting.   Various games and prizes are planned for Saturday. A softball tournament is set for the prior Saturday, the 19th and volunteers would be welcome […]

Contribute A Photo to the Hall of Honor During the Tri State 9/11 Tribute

Contribute A Photo to the Hall of Honor During the Tri State 9/11 Tribute

  Tri State 9/11 Tribute – September 12, 2015   As part of the Tri-State 9/11 Tribute Celebration, we feature a Hall of Honor in the Centennial Building at the Prowers County Fairgrounds, to pay tribute to all First Responders and Military, Past and Present. We will also display patriotic posters created by our area school […]

PCDI Focus on Housing Market, Proactive Business Viewpoint

PCDI Focus on Housing Market, Proactive Business Viewpoint

  Adequate housing has been a key factor in the list of economic development priorities in Prowers County. The need for construction of higher priced housing to match potential demand was discussed by the Prowers County Development Incorporated board during their monthly meeting on August 25. Interim Director, George Gotto, recapped a conversation initiated by […]

PCDI Warehouse Property Sold

PCDI Warehouse Property Sold

Prowers County Development Incorporated board members voted unanimously during an August 7, 2015 special meeting, to approve the sales contract for the former Big R warehouse properties on East Washington Street. At the request of the selling agent, Randle Realty, the purchase price and buyer will remain confidential until the buyer completes his due diligence, […]