RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "Lamar Days"

Lodging Panel Entertains Requests from Two New Events

Lodging Panel Entertains Requests from Two New Events

  Two of the five presentations made to the Prowers County Lodging Tax Panel are first-time events. The Panel met for the first time this year, January 19th and introduced a new board member, Chad Hart, the Executive Director of Canyons and Plains tourism group, which serves the southeast Colorado area.  The two new events […]

A Good Day Starts with Breakfast

A Good Day Starts with Breakfast

The traditional Wake Up Lamar Breakfast was held at the Lamar Eagles this year, a prelude to Lamar Days activities for Friday and Saturday, May 15 and 16.   The Lamar Chamber Board of Directors were busy the night before, preparing the soufflé breakfast that came out of the oven by 6:45am Friday, in time for […]

Kids…Be a Rotary Runner for Lamar Days

Kids…Be a Rotary Runner for Lamar Days

  The Lamar Rotary Club is preparing for the annual Ducky Dash race at Willow Creek Park later this month.  They have Quackers, all the ducks for the Dash, the Rotary Tumble Tub and the tickets…but they need some youngsters from K-6 grades to race for them on Saturday, May 16. Rotarian Judy Turpin said […]

Growing Funding Requests Concerns Lodging Panel Board

Growing Funding Requests Concerns Lodging Panel Board

  How much money is coming in versus how much funding has been requested has raised concerns among the board members of the Prowers County Lodging Tax Panel. The board usually receives four quarterly annual payments from the state, based on receipts from the 2% tax levied on all rented motel rooms in Prowers County.  […]

A Weekend of Windmills and Wagons as we Observe Lamar Days

A Weekend of Windmills and Wagons as we Observe Lamar Days

 Time is running out for you to RSVP to join in the fun and food for the traditional breakfast that kicks off Lamar Days.  “Wake Up Lamar” breakfast this year will be held at the Lamar Community Building, Friday, May 16, from 6:45 to 7:45am.  Entertainment for the morning meal will  feature the winners of […]

City Council Discusses Airport Hangar Development, Camera System at Library

City Council Discusses Airport Hangar Development, Camera System at Library

  The Lamar City Council and area residents were presented with the latest concept designs for the city’s Park’s, Recreation and Trails Master Plan during a council work session, Monday, April 28, at the Cultural Events Center.  Britina Design Group was commissioned by the council to develop a series of ideas for four main recreation […]

Lamar Council Opens Willow Creek Park for Lamar Days/Cinco de Mayo

Lamar Council Opens Willow Creek Park for Lamar Days/Cinco de Mayo

  Mary Moore and Connie Gangwish from Lightkeepers Ministries outlined their plans to the Lamar City Council, to create a non-profit women’s homeless shelter at the former Troy Apartments on South Main Street in Lamar.  Moore has researched various, similar shelters in Pueblo to learn the logistics of their operation.  Gangwish has said she’ll provide […]

Prowers Lodging Panel Okays Funding for Lamar Days

Prowers Lodging Panel Okays Funding for Lamar Days

    Marketing expenses associated with this year’s Lamar Days, May 16-18, were approved by the Prowers County Lodging Tax Panel during their monthly meeting, Tuesday, March 18.  The three day annual event highlights Lamar’s anniversary and the Lamar Chamber of Commerce was granted $2417.47 of their $2,780 request as the balance, $362.53, was being […]

Shoppes of the Santa Fe Trail Becomes Official

Shoppes of the Santa Fe Trail Becomes Official

On Tuesday, April 30, 2013, a consortium of local business owners met and discussed the positive ways that they could enhance their business district along Main Street in Lamar, CO. Various topics were discussed and the schedule of events for the remainder of 2013 was penciled in on the calendar. Street Vendors will be a […]

No Water, No Problem, Rotary Ducky Dash Set for May 18

No Water, No Problem, Rotary Ducky Dash Set for May 18

    Lack of water in the Lamar Canal this year has prompted the Lamar Rotary to alter plans for the annual “Ducky Dash” fundraising event during Lamar Days this year.  Judy Turpin, Rotary President, said the event will go on as planned at Noon on May 18 at Willow Creek Park, even though their […]

New Rotary Ducky Dash Race Planned

New Rotary Ducky Dash Race Planned

  The Lamar Rotary Club will still be having our annual Ducky Dash Race on May 18, 2013; due to our current drought situation the race will be moved and conducted in another manner; race details to follow.  The important thing to remember is that the Duck Race will go on.  The proceeds from the […]

Lamar City Council Enacts Water Restrictions

Lamar City Council Enacts Water Restrictions

Acting on a recommendation from the Lamar Water Board, the city council voted in favor of implementing Stage 1 Mandatory Water Restrictions, effective Thursday, May 2.  The decision was based on current drought conditions and lack of ditch water, although the city’s well system is in good shape and has adequate supplies.  The restrictions state […]

Prowers Lodging Panel Funds Spring and Summer Events

Prowers Lodging Panel Funds Spring and Summer Events

The Prowers Lodging Tax Panel approved $23,740 to help promote and market six future events this coming spring and summer.  The Annual Car Show and Rod Run received $2,000 on a three to two vote for the May 17-19 event at Willow Creek Park, the Lamar Chamber of Commerce received $2,740 in funding for Lamar […]

Lupe & Julie Adame and Hammer and Gearhart Presented Awards at Lamar Chamber Annual Banquet

Lupe & Julie Adame and Hammer and Gearhart Presented Awards at Lamar Chamber Annual Banquet

Lori Hammer was selected as the Lamar Chamber of Commerce Citizen of the Year during the Chamber’s 93rd annual banquet, held at the RodeWay Cow Palace Inn on Thursday, January 24.  Hammer is the Executive Director of Project HOPE, the Teen Center, located at the former Lincoln Elementary School in Lamar.  The Humanitarian Award, not […]

Changes on May Calendar for Lamar Events

Changes on May Calendar for Lamar Events

  Some calendar changes have occurred for springtime events in Lamar and Prowers County for 2013.  Cinco de Mayo, usually observed the first weekend in May at the North Side Park, has been moved this year to Willow Creek Park on Friday, May 10 and Saturday May 11.  The event will coincide with the annual […]

New Merchant's Group Developing in Lamar

New Merchant’s Group Developing in Lamar

  The Lamar Chamber of Commerce Retail Trades Committee ceased operation about two years ago.  A new group of business owners interested in forming a similar organization attended a planning meeting Wednesday, January 16, hosted by Shawna Hodge, executive director of Lamar Partnership Inc.   LPI’s Promotion Committee, the marketing branch of LPI, helps organize various […]

Lamar Days, Chilly, with a Touch of Rain

Lamar Days, Chilly, with a Touch of Rain

Chilly temperatures and rainy skies didn’t deter some die-hard parade fans from lining up along East Olive and Main Streets for the annual Lamar Days Parade. The numbers were down considerably from past years, but understandable when the temperature on the Frontier Bank clock was reading 44 degrees at 10am, and the wind chill was […]

Make Plans for Annual Lions Club Saturday Breakfast

Make Plans for Annual Lions Club Saturday Breakfast

Aside from the BBQ’s and the ham and beans and other dishes, the annual Lamar Days celebration also features a long-lived food-based tradition going back over 50 years.  This Saturday, May 12, the Lamar Lions Club will host their annual Pancake Breakfast at the Masonic Lodge Hall at 219 ½ South Main Street.   Servings will […]

Recycle Your Old Eyeglasses at the Lamar Lions Pancake Breakfast!

Recycle Your Old Eyeglasses at the Lamar Lions Pancake Breakfast!

PRESS RELEASE For immediate release: 5/4/2012 Lamar Lions Club Contact Information: April Faull, President (719) 336-9795 (H) (Lamar, CO) As spring cleaning season gets underway, the Lamar Lions Club is asking people to look through drawers and closets for old, unwanted eyeglasses and donate them to the Lions Recycle for Sight program at their Annual […]

Wastewater Lift Station Needs Repairs, City Getting New K9 for Police Department

Wastewater Lift Station Needs Repairs, City Getting New K9 for Police Department

Higher than expected levels of hydrogen sulfide has caused excessive deterioration of the concrete wetwall at the city’s new wastewater lift station. The concrete is being damaged by agitation of the water as it spills into the headworks screen which causes a release of the corrosive gas. Eric Larson of the Farnsworth Group provided some […]