Lupe & Julie Adame and Hammer and Gearhart Presented Awards at Lamar Chamber Annual Banquet

Lori Hammer, Pictured with her Daughter at Chamber Banquet

Lori Hammer was selected as the Lamar Chamber of Commerce Citizen of the Year during the Chamber’s 93rd annual banquet, held at the RodeWay Cow Palace Inn on Thursday, January 24.  Hammer is the Executive Director of Project HOPE, the Teen Center, located at the former Lincoln Elementary School in Lamar. 

Julie Adame with Daugher, Rose Anne Yates

The Humanitarian Award, not usually an annual presentation, was given to Lupe and Julie Adame, proprietors of A & B Liquor in Lamar, for their years of dedication and service to their community, through their consistant donations and involvement with civic and social activities. 

Russ Baldwin Presenting the Honker of the Year Award to Vince Gearhart

The Honker of the Year Award was presented to Vincent Gearhart for the second year in a row.  The Honkers are affiliated with the Lamar Chamber, acting as a welcoming committee and ambassadors-at-large to new businesses in the Lamar area. 

Lisa Carder with her Mother, Denise Carder at Chamber Banquet

Byron Hall, who volunteers his time at the Teen Center with Hammer read his nominating letter on her behalf.  The letter read in part, “I believe that in small communities such as Lamar, finding a single motivated and caring leader can do more good than a dozen of the latest/greatest institutional programs.  Spend just a few hours with Lori as she interacts with the kids and it becomes apparent that Lori genuinely cares for each and every child.”  He added that the recent move of the Teen Center to the former Lincoln school…”has breathed new life into the whole North Side neighborhood of Lamar.” 

Axel Thurner Addresses the Chamber Banquet Audience

The nominating letter for Lupe and Julie Adame was read by Bill Wootten and stated in part…”Countless local charities, organizations and community groups have been aided by these two great people.”  The letter included the efforts made by Lupe’s business, A & B Roustabouts, several decades ago, in moving the historic train engine, #1819, from its prior location south of the city municipal complex to its present location, adjacent to the Lamar Chamber of Commerce and Welcome Center.  The letter also noted how little recognition the Adame’s wanted for their efforts, preferring to work quietly but effectively behind the scenes of town activities.  Their daughter, Rose Anne Yates accepted the award for her father, with her mother by her side. 

Bill Wootten Reads the Letter Nominating the Adame’s

 As is the custom, the annual chamber banquet highlights remarks from the outgoing president and the incoming chamber president.  Axel Thurner, thanked his chamber board and noted just how quickly the past year had sped by.  “There were a few items that were left uncompleted,” he remarked to the audience of about 180 persons, and continued, “I know the incoming board members will help continue our efforts.”  Thurner also noted the level of local spirit for community events, stating that even during the cold wet weather the town had for the annual Lamar Days festivities and for Oktoberfest, the community continued to show their support. 

Chamber of Commerce Board for 2013

 Denise Carder, the incoming chamber president, thanked Valley National Bank, her employer, for being so understanding and supportive of the time she’ll need for the coming year.  She also thanked Chana Reed, the chamber office manager who is retiring after 21 years of service to the organization.  Carder spoke of her love of the community, having grown up in Lamar and raised her daughter, Lisa, here.  She also thanked some of the past chamber presidents who have acted as her inspiration in her activities in community service.

The Lamar Awards Banquet was Emceed by Shawna Hodge

 Shawna Hodge, Lamar’s Main Street Director, served as the evening’s emcee, introducing guests and noting various representatives in the audience, from the city, county and business sectors of Lamar and Prowers County.

By Russ Baldwin


Filed Under: BusinessChamber/Local BusinesscommunityEconomyEducationEventsFeaturedLamarProwers CountySchoolYouth


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