Changes on May Calendar for Lamar Events


Banners Lining Willow Creek Park Entrance for Previous Lamar Days

Some calendar changes have occurred for springtime events in Lamar and Prowers County for 2013.  Cinco de Mayo, usually observed the first weekend in May at the North Side Park, has been moved this year to Willow Creek Park on Friday, May 10 and Saturday May 11.  The event will coincide with the annual Wild West BBQ which has been held at Willow Creek Park for the past several years.  The BBQ event, which retains its current time slot, has steadily gained in regional popularity.  A calendar move could cause numerous vendors and contestants to pull out as contests of this scope have been planned a year ahead and potential event conflicts could occur.

 The annual Car Show and Rod Run at Willow Creek Park will be held a week later, coinciding with Lamar Days activities.  This year will mark the city’s 127th anniversary.  The Car Show will be held May 17 through the 19th and the Lamar Days Celebration and Parade will be held on May 18, a week later than last year.  The Lamar Rotary Ducky Dash, which has been scheduled for Sundays for the past several years, will be conducted on Saturday, May 18.

 The rescheduling will help free some space in Willow Creek Park.  Those who attended the past several Lamar Days celebrations have noticed the tight squeeze on the park east of the creek.  The carnival occupies most of the land to the north, followed by displays and vendors lining Rotary Way, the road that traverses the park from north to south.  The Wild West BBQ vendors are spread out between the carnival and the Car Show, and as participants have increased for both events, the acreage has not.  When the events were first moved to Willow Creek Park, putting some displays west of the creek were considered, but soon dropped.  The logistics of moving some equipment, duplicating amenities such as porta-potties and wash stands and especially equipping vendors and displays with additional electric outlets proved to have limited merit in light of the additional cost and effort.

By Russ Baldwin

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