RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "BiCentennial Park"

Willow Creek Park Selected as Potential Skateboard Site

Willow Creek Park Selected as Potential Skateboard Site

The Lamar City Council weighed the pros and cons of several potential sites for a skateboard park within the city limits and informally agreed that the southern end of Willow Creek Park would be the best location. Other viable sites discussed during the February 29th work session included Escondido Park, Bicentennial Park and the horseshoe […]

 New LCC Dean of Academics Meets Commissioners, West Nile Found in Prowers  County

New LCC Dean of Academics Meets Commissioners, West Nile Found in Prowers County

Lamar Community College President, John Marrin, introduced Fred Hampel the college’s new Dean of Academics to the commissioners.  Hampel hailed from Kansas and had an agricultural background from having farmed and ranched in his early adult life.  He returned to college to become an economist, employed by corporations before he moved into higher education, teaching […]

Part 2 of the Proposed Lamar Parks, Trails and Recreation Master Plan, Reviewed June 24

Part 2 of the Proposed Lamar Parks, Trails and Recreation Master Plan, Reviewed June 24

    Bicentennial Park is easily the most visible open space area in the City of Lamar, due to its proximity to Main Street, just south of the Municipal Building.  Except for some special occasions, the park is seldom used.  Last year, a locally produced mural was erected on the property as part of the […]

Southeast Colorado Arts Council Receives Viaero Donation

Southeast Colorado Arts Council Receives Viaero Donation

  Viaero Wireless, one of the corporate sponsors from this September’s Pedal the Plains bicycle event, donated $500 to Southeast Colorado Arts Council this past Tuesday, December 03, at the Viaero Store on East Olive Street in Lamar. Sarah Hutt, Marketing Events Coordinator for Viaero, presented the check to Rose Ann Yates, President of the […]

Families Had the Fun this Weekend

Families Had the Fun this Weekend

    Click a picture to start the slide show. The hot and windy weather didn’t deter area residents from attending the Lamar Fireman’s Family Carnival at Bi-Centennial Park this past Friday, June 21.  The winds did pick up on Friday which meant that several of the display tents at the park had to come […]