All Entries Tagged With: "Andy Wyatt"

County Oaths of Office Ceremony Held
Seven elected officials took their various oaths of office with Judge Stanley Brinkley at the Prowers County Courthouse Courtroom, Tuesday, January 13 before an almost capacity audience. Only two of the seven, Ron Cook and Sam Zordell actually faced a challenge for election to their respective offices, Prowers County Commissioner and Prowers County Sheriff. Cook […]

Congressman Gardner Main Speaker for Local GOP Independence Day Dinner
U.S. Congressman Cory Gardner was the featured speaker at the annual Prowers County GOP, Lincoln Day Dinner this past Monday evening, July 1. Gardner is making his second swing through southeast Colorado in the past month, conducting a series of town hall meetings which included Las Animas and Otero Counties. The welcome was delivered […]

Jan Hall Resigns from Prowers Medical Center Board
PMC board chairperson, Candy Ruedeman confirmed that Jan Hall has submitted his resignation from the PMC board of directors, effective immediately. Ruedeman told The Prowers Journal she had a phone call from Hall on Wednesday, August 1, and met with him to discuss his resignation. Hall had addressed a letter to Ruedeman, as board […]

Farmer, Branes New PMC Board Members, Ruedeman Elected Chairman
Ron Farmer was sworn in as a new Prowers Medical Center board of director during the hospital’s annual board meeting, Wednesday, May 23. Julie Branes was recommended by the board as a replacement for Andy Wyatt, who, following his second place finish on the May 8 board election, declined to accept the position. Chairman Jan […]

Wyatt Declines Board Position, PMC Board to Select Replacement
Andy Wyatt earlier today, May 15, sent a letter to the general local media stating he was declining a position on the Board of Directors of Prowers Medical Center because of increased duties regarding his position as Prowers County Assessor. He stated that because Julie Branes was the next candidate in line for majority votes […]

Wyatt Resigns from PMC Board
In an unexpected development, Andy Wyatt submitted a letter of resignation from the Prowers Medical Center Board of Directors, citing a conflict of time as his reason. Wyatt and Ronnie Farmer was elected to the Board during a May 8, 2012 election out of six candidates for the two open positions. Candidates were selected by […]