All Entries in the "Media" Category

City Waits to Finalize Charter Communications Contract, Got an Issue?
For those area residents who are Charter Communications cable customers and haven’t received their most recent bills, they can expect a price hike effective on or after February 15, 2016, according to information relayed by Lamar City Administrator, John Sutherland. He informed the Lamar City Council of the price hike notification during the council’s […]

National Public Radio Plans Upgraded Coverage in S.E. Colorado
High Plains Public Radio in Garden City, Kansas is expanding its coverage in southeast Colorado. The National Public Radio broadcast operation has provided various music, news and entertainment programs since 1980 and in Prowers County since 1983 beginning with a 25 watt translator device mounted atop a grain silo. For just over 20 years, Prowers […]

Lamar’s Main Street Program Tops Other Colorado Towns
Shawna Hodge, Executive Director for Lamar Partnership Incorporated, announced that the city has won first place for the 2014 Colorado Main Street of the Year. She said the selection was made by the Colorado Main Street Advisory Board and announced earlier this month by the State Department of Local Affairs. The judging was based on […]

Pelsue Returns to Lamar
Pelsue in Englewood, Colorado has recently reopened its assembly center for Fiber Optic Splicing Trailers in Lamar. Mike Bryant, who was hired as the manager of the business, said the staff has been in operation for about five weeks. The Pelsue shop, located on the west side of Highway 287 and south of Spreading […]

Colorado You Got Talent Has Opened Registration To All Performers ‐ No Audition Required
Bring your talent and compete for your county at this year’s Colorado You Got Talent Singers, dancers, comedians, circus performers and entertainers from all over the State are registering for the fifth season of the Colorado You Got Talent. For the first time in five years, Colorado You Got Talent has opened registration to all […]

Frozen Splice Caused TV Interruption on Sunday
What has been termed as a disruption impacting video services, traced to a splice enclosure owned by a third party fiber vendor, was the cause for Charter Communication customers to lose their TV reception this past Sunday, February 2, for most of the day. Brian Anderson, the Director for Regional Communications, Southwest, explained that […]

Lamar Police Seeking Public’s Help on Assault Case
Media Release from Lamar, CO Police Department The Lamar Police Department would like to request the assistance of the public in locating Justin Orozco who has an active warrant for the assault of a police officer that occurred on January 8, 2014. Orozco is described as a Hispanic male, 5’07” tall, weighing approximately 170 pounds, […]

Health Co-Op President to Visit Prowers County
Lindy Wallace, Board President of the Colorado Healthop, will, along with High Plains Community Health Center, host a community coffee on Tuesday, September 17, from 2 – 4 p.m. at the Lamar Community Building. Community members are encouraged to attend the free meeting to find out more about Colorado’s only non-profit health insurance cooperative. Discussion […]

CO AG Dept Awarded for Cantaloupe Revitalization Campaign
Colorado Department of Agriculture Receives Marketing Award for 2012 Rocky Ford Cantaloupe Revitalization Campaign LAKEWOOD, Colo. – The Colorado Department of Agriculture received the “Award of Agricultural Marketing Excellence” at the annual North American Agricultural Marketing Officials (NAAMO) conference in Alexandria, VA. The prestigious, national marketing award is in recognition for the campaign following the […]

Southeast Health Group names Trevor LaCost ‘Board Member of the Year’
La Junta, CO—June 21, 2013—Southeast Health Group – Southeast Health Group recently named Trevor LaCost “Board Member of the Year” for outstanding service during 2012-13. Trevor’s record of leadership will be compared against other behavioral health center board members for a statewide award given by the Colorado Behavioral Healthcare Council at their annual conference […]

KLMR-FM Off-Air for Repairs this Sunday
KLMR-FM will be off the air this Sunday, April 21, while some repairs are made to the FM transmitter. Program Director, Ty Harmon, said the 470 foot heliax cable and the transmitter bays will be replaced by a three man crew, working at the transmitter and antenna site, south of Lamar. The station will […]

Lamar Rotary Salutes Larry Bauer with Hometown Hero Certificate
The Lamar Rotary has been saluting local veterans during their Friday luncheon meetings since this past Veteran’s Day observances in November. Rotary President, Judy Turpin, presented the Rotary certificate to Larry Bauer last Friday, February 8, in honor of his military service and community service as well. The luncheon was made poignant with the announcement […]

Police Arrest Suspect in Alba Homicide
MEDIA RELEASE On 01/23/2013 Detectives with the Lamar Police Department filed paperwork requesting criminal charges of Second Degree Murder and Domestic Violence for Marla D. Abling age 47 of Lamar in reference to the death of Rory Alba. Abling was taken into custody at the scene of Mr. Alba’s death and has been in custody […]

Winter Driving Resources – CDOT
Our Colorado winter has entered another dry spell, with hope of a few flurries this Friday on the Western Slope and in the higher elevations, and maybe Saturday in Denver and along the Front Range. This week might be a good time to gather some information for your next round of winter weather reporting. Let […]

Bridge Project to Close Highway 160 This Week
Traffic detours via county roads BACA COUNTY – U.S. 160 will be detoured later this week for bridge removal and culvert installation at Lone Rock Draw (picture attached), about four miles southwest of Pritchett. The closure is expected to begin at 6 a.m. on Thursday, December 13. Traffic will be detoured four miles around the […]

CDOT and the Colorado Office of Emergency Management Encourage Motorists to Prepare for Winter
DENVER – This week, October 21- October 27 is Colorado Winter Weather Awareness Week and the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) and Colorado Office of Emergency Management are offering some tips on how to get yourself and your vehicle prepared for inclement weather. “This time of year, winter weather can strike at any time, which means […]

Jackie Brown Honored for Lifetime Achievement in Public Health
Jacqueline (Jackie) Brown, MSN, APN, who recently retired as Director of Prowers County Public Health & Environment, was presented with a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Colorado Public Health Association at their annual meeting in Pueblo, CO, on September 20, 2012. The Lifetime Achievement Award honors an individual who has retired from full-time employment in […]

Warrant Issued for Lamar Police Commander – Updated as of 9/26/12
Prowers County Sheriff’s Office Media Release On September 10, 2012 Prowers County Sheriff’s Deputies were called to a Wiley residence on a report of a theft. The home owner reported the theft of a water softener, valued at $1,050.00, from a home that was rented to Lamar Police Commander Edward David Herrera and his wife, […]

Highway 350 Bridge Up for Adoption
LAS ANIMAS COUNTY – The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) is making the historic Purgatoire River Bridge on U.S. 350 available for adoption to any person or organization interested in relocating it. Built in 1937, the National Register-eligible structure is a steel, rigid connected Camelback pony truss (see picture below). It is located at […]

Chamber Honkers and Directors Visit Colorado East Auto Sales New Location
On Friday, September 7th the Lamar Chamber of Commerce Honkers and Directors stopped by to recognize Colorado East Auto Sales at their New Location. Colorado East Auto Sales is now located at 1002 North Main in Lamar. They were out on the highway by the truck plaza for several years. The Lamar office is managed […]