Prowers County August 2013 Sheriff Report
Russ Baldwin | Sep 11, 2013 | Comments 0
The Prowers County Sheriff’s Office responded to 316 calls for service in August, 2013, with 157 from Lamar, 97 from the County, 20 from Holly and 12 from Wiley. Twenty-eight papers and restraining orders were served in Lamar, 68 calls were jail related, 14 were for warrant arrests and two were for various forms of fraud. The county had 14 calls for animal problems, 13 for traffic accidents and seven were for serving papers. Four calls were placed from Holly for criminal mischief events and two were for theft. Three criminal summonses were issued, seven warning tickets given out and nine traffic citations.
Nine new cases have been assigned for investigation in the county. Seventeen cases were cleared this past August and 13 investigations resulted in charges being filed. Fourteen investigations are still active in the Sheriff’s Department.
Year to date, 1013 persons have been booked into the Prowers County Jail. Total bookings in August were 103, compared to 112 for August 2012. 76 men were booked last month, compared to 89 the same time last year. 27 women were booked last month, compared to 23 in August 2012. Over the last five years, the jail has averaged 104 bookings. Six inmates were reported to immigration authorities and the average number of inmates held each day in August was 48.
The Prowers County Courthouse had 6,385 visitors screened in August for a daily average of 290. Six arrests were made for individuals in the courthouse who had warrants posted for them. While investigating an embezzlement case, Detective Tracy Weisenhorn discovered a suspect in possession of cocaine and drug paraphernalia. Marie Dawn Osborn, 29, of Lamar was arrested for possession of these items and held on $4,000 bond.
The cost of inmate meals in August was $10,684.28 and medical expenses for the month were $584.62. Total expenses for August were $159,535.43, compared to revenue for the same period of $18,602.91.
Filed Under: Business • community • County • Economy • Featured • Granada • Holly • Lamar • Law Enforcement • Police Reports • Public Safety • Wiley
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