Prowers County Sheriff Report, May 2013

Prowers Sheriff Badge


The Prowers County Sheriff’s Office responded to 296 calls for May 2013 with 145 from Lamar, 103 from the County, 41 from Holly and nine from Wiley.  Forty-three of the calls from Lamar were jail related including 15 warrant arrests and 43 for serving papers and restraining orders.  The county filed eight calls for citizen assists and civil disputes and 11 for serving papers and restraining orders.  There were also 16 calls for traffic accidents and related problems.  There were six reported disturbances in Holly with two calls for fraud and theft, two burglaries and one arrest warrant.   The sheriff’s department issued 18 warning tickets, 11 traffic citations and one criminal summons.  There were five new cases assigned for investigations and 17 were cleared.  The investigations resulted in 12 charges being filed and 11 investigations are still active. 

There have been 696 bookings, year to date in the county jail with 122 for May 2013, compared to 119 for 2012.  One hundred men and 22 women were booked in May 2013, compared to 95 and 24 comparatively for 2012.  Twelve inmates were reported to ICE officials and the average number of inmates held each day in May numbered 52.  6,499 persons entered the Prowers County Courthouse last month for a daily average of 295.  Courthouse security made four arrests on individuals who had warrants issued for their arrests. 

Cost of inmate meals for May 2013 was $9,812.84 and medical expenses came to $981.14.  Expenses for May were listed at $160,327.09 and Revenue for the same period was $32,971.55.


Filed Under: BusinessCommissionerscommunityCountyEconomyFeaturedGranadaHollyLamarLaw EnforcementPolice ReportsProwers CountyPublic SafetyWiley


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