Drive Sober for the July 4th Holiday Week
VPG | Jul 01, 2012 | Comments 0
Don’t Lose Your Independence with a DUI Arrest this July 4th Week
June 28, 2012 – Traffic Safety – Extra DUI Patrols and Sobriety Checkpoints Begin Friday Night.
Denver – As Coloradans prepare to celebrate Independence Day, the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) and law enforcement agencies statewide remind everyone that with our freedom comes a responsibility to drive sober or face a DUI arrest.
The Colorado State Patrol and 82 law enforcement agencies are increasing DUI enforcement from Friday, June 29 through July 5th as part of the summer’s “100 Days of Heat” DUI crackdown. At least six DUI checkpoints are planned starting Friday night through the weekend. And hundreds of law enforcement officers across Colorado are working overtime through the holiday to arrest drunk and drug-impaired drivers. Last year during the six-day enforcement period, Colorado law enforcement officers made 551 DUI arrests.
“As you make plans to celebrate with friends and family this Fourth of July week, please remember to include a plan for getting home safely, especially if your celebrations will include alcohol,” said Col. James Wolfinbarger, Chief of the Colorado State Patrol. “The Fourth of July is one of the deadliest holidays of the year and so our troopers will be out in force showing zero tolerance for impaired drivers in effort to save lives.”
July was the worst month of 2011 for alcohol-related fatalities in Colorado, with 24 people killed. Three of those deaths occurred over the Fourth of July holiday period, according to CDOT.
The minimum cost for a first-time DUI in Colorado is $10,270. A DUI arrest will also result in jail time, loss of a driver’s license or ignition interlock, mandatory alcohol education classes and community service. For more consequences, resources and to find out what happens after a DUI arrest, visit
The Colorado State Patrol and more than 80 law enforcement agencies plan to conduct saturation and increased patrols from June 29 – July 5.
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