Prowers County Sheriff February 2012 Report
Russ Baldwin | Mar 14, 2012 | Comments 0
The Prowers County Sheriff’s Office responded to 301 calls for service this past February, with 158 from Lamar, 44 from Holly, 16 from Wiley and 76 from the county. Lamar reported seven DUI’s, eighteen warrant arrests, 49 jail related calls and four traffic accidents. There were five traffic accidents reported from Holly, one theft, two for harassment and one assault. Of the sixteen calls in Wiley, there was one assault and one harassment case and one warrant arrest. The county calls included eleven for traffic accidents, eight for animal related problems, three DUI’s and three warrant arrests. The Prowers County Sheriff’s Department issued 53 warning tickets, 22 traffic citations and seven criminal summonses.
Four new cases were assigned for investigation with sixteen cases cleared and there were fifteen charges as a result of prior investigations. The Sheriff’s department still has eleven active investigation cases before them. This past February, there were 14 inmates at the jail reported to ICE.
The number of males booked at the jail for last February compared to last year is up slightly, from 69 to 83. The average for the last five years is 74.4. The number of women has also increased, from 24 last year to 30 last February. The five year average is 26.6. The average number of inmates held each day was 49.
The Prowers County courthouse saw an average of 360 persons a day last February for a monthly total of 7,205. Courthouse Security made six arrests on individuals who had warrants for their arrests and were seen entering the courthouse. A knife was confiscated from one person attempting to enter the courthouse and medical personnel responded to a cal for aid to assist an elderly man who requested an ambulance as a result of a preexisting health related issue.
Inmate medical expenses for February were $360.24 and the cost of meals for February was $9,696.64. Expenses for February were $154,218.21. Year-to-Date expenses were $325,718.40. February revenue was $24,414.26 and $28,229.71 for a Year-to-Date summary.
Filed Under: Business • City • community • County • Health • Holly • Lamar • Law Enforcement • Police Reports • Public Safety • Wiley
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