Prowers County Sheriff Report, September

The Prowers County Sheriff’s office responded to 306 calls for service this past September.  Lamar had 132 total calls, with 16 for warrant arrests, three for theft and 39 were jail related.  The County in general had 104 service calls with eleven concerning animal problems, two for drugs and two for disturbances and five for theft.  Holly had 42 total calls of which two were for disturbances and two for civil disputes.  Three criminal summonses were issues, along with 19 traffic citations and 36 warning tickets. 

Nine new cases were assigned to the Sheriff’s office and 20 cases were cleared this past September.  Oc those cases, 10 resulted in charges being filed and 16 are still active.  Jail activities showed 66 men had been booked for this past September, compared to 38 last year.  Twenty-eight women were held in the county jail last month, compared to 16 for last year.  Year-to-date bookings for men total 621 and 202 for women.  Ten inmates were reported to ICE in September.  The average number of inmates held each day in September was 37 with an average year-to-date at 45. 

Inmate meals for September came to $9,893 and medical expenses for the same period were $2,767.66.  Expenses for September totaled $168,761.23 and year-to-date is $1,425,522.12.  Revenue for September totaled $29,188.33 and year-to-date numbers are $242,795.39. 

There were 6,652 people entering the County Courthouse in September for a daily average of 317.  Courthouse security made two arrests on individuals who had warrants for their arrests and were seen entering the Courthouse. 

Deputy J. Wiesenhorn saw a suspicious vehicle on CR 196 and contacted the driver and another occupant.  The driver, Christopher Martin Pizarro, 20, of Granada was found to be in possession of cocaine.  Pizarro was charged with unlawful possession of a schedule II controlled substance, Unlawful distribution, and drove while license under restraint.  Pizarro was held on $50,000 bond.  Deputy Wiesenhorn contacted another suspicious vehicle in the 34000 block of CR 10 and found the underage driver to be in possession of alcohol and marijuana.  The 17 year old Lamar boy was charged with possession of alcohol, marijuana and drug paraphernalia and released on summons.


Filed Under: communityCountyLaw EnforcementPublic Safety


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