Despite Rains, Local Fireworks Ban Remains in Effect for 4th
Russ Baldwin | Jun 24, 2011 | Comments 0
“There wasn’t enough rain to make an impact, and not all the county got the same amount of rain from this past Monday,” according to Prowers County Commissioner, Gene Millbrand. The continued ban was discussed on Thursday, June 23, as the commissioners covered several subjects with Prowers County Sheriff, Jim Faull. He too, said he had received several questions that, if after the Monday rains, the fire and fireworks ban would be lifted for the 4th. Faull had the same answer for them, the ban stays in place. There just hasn’t been enough rain to turn the arid situation around, all parties agreed. With that in mind, Faull said his department will have a stepped up patrol for the holiday weekend, especially at key points where residents congregate and fire off their private stash. Faull said his department will probably just issue an initial verbal warning, but if there’s a repeat, citizens can expect to be ticketed, and in all probability, their fireworks will be confiscated. Tickets will also be issued for leaving litter all over the place after the municipal fireworks display. Both Holly and Lamar have enacted fireworks bans as well as Bent County. Granada, which is in the unincorporated portion of the county, has not made a statement either way. Traditionally Granada has a municipal fireworks display on July 3.
Faull estimated some $30,000 to $40,000 court fees and fines have gone uncollected, and the commissioners approved a one year contract with The Advantage Group collection agency to go after delinquent accounts. Advantage will receive one-third of the reclaimed monies with the county collecting the remainder. If the matter goes to court, the monies resolved will be shared equally. Faull estimated there should be few court cases, as the courts have usually initiated the fines and fees to begin with. The commissioners and Sheriff had lunch at the county jail, with the menu being the same as the inmates for Thursday. The commissioners also viewed a replacement air conditioning unit in the jail’s booking area.
By Russ Baldwin
(Clarification: The Lamar fireworks ban involves any item that generates an explosion or a raport such as firecrackers, bottle rockets or roman candles. Lamar Fire Chief Marshall Cook stated that sparklers, snakes, cone fountain displays or smoke devices are allowed in the city limits-Editor)
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