RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "Pat Mason"

Free Firewood Available at Lamar Transfer Station

Free Firewood Available at Lamar Transfer Station

If you want it, you can come and get it, according to Lamar Public Works Director, Pat Mason.  There are some provisions a resident has to follow for the free firewood,  though. Mason said the opportunity comes at the last weekend of every month, during the free weekend at the city transfer station on Crystal […]

City Clean Up Completed

City Clean Up Completed

Saturday was a perfect day for getting out the trash in Lamar.  City crews and volunteers gathered at the Public Works office on South Second Saturday morning, got their assignments and last minute reminders about what and what not to take, and they were on their way. A brief drive around the city streets showed […]

Highway 287 Water Main Repair Project

Highway 287 Water Main Repair Project

Water began erupting from Highway 287, almost under the intersection traffic light at Savage and Main Streets last Monday, March 16.  Work crews, according to Lamar Public Works Director, Pat Mason, managed to excavate to the five foot long rupture and repair the eight inch water main.  It wasn’t an easy task as the main […]

Parks, Recreation and Trails Master Plan Adopted

Parks, Recreation and Trails Master Plan Adopted

The Lamar City Council voted unanimously to adopt the Parks, Recreation and Trails Master Plan during Monday night’s council meeting.  Mayor Roger Stagner and City Administrator John Sutherland specified that many of the plans are contingent on adequate funding and this long-term project will not be completed in just a few years.  It will involve […]

Planned Demolition Equals Community Improvement

Planned Demolition Equals Community Improvement

One Step Up students at Project HOPE at the Lincoln School in North 10th Street in Lamar, hosted members of the city council and other department heads, to a noon lunch this past Friday, February 6. Emily Nieschburg of LiveWell Prowers County, noted that many of the students who were taking part in the Photo […]

Lamar Businesses Investing with City on Camino de Santa Fe Construction

Lamar Businesses Investing with City on Camino de Santa Fe Construction

  Construction work continues on Camino de Santa Fe to East Highway 50, or at least as close as the City of Lamar crews can without actually connecting. The street has always been 200 feet short of Highway 50 ever since it was built.  It lies between Dollar General and Walmart and the city has […]

Lamar Priortizes Road Repairs Project

Lamar Priortizes Road Repairs Project

  The City of Lamar has just over 60 municipal miles to take care of and a recently upgraded map outlining those streets and roadways that are in need of repair was distributed to the city council by Director of Public Works, Pat Mason.  There are 13 miles rated ‘poor’ which require an overlay or […]

Second 2013 mosquito pool positive test for West Nile Virus Confirmed for Prowers County

Second 2013 mosquito pool positive test for West Nile Virus Confirmed for Prowers County

   Lamar, CO– Prowers County Public Health and Environment officials have received lab confirmation of West Nile in a sample pool of mosquitoes collected on the night of July 15th.  This positive result is from a number of surveillance locations in and around the city.  Seth Odette, Environmental Health Specialist for Prowers County Public Health […]

City Repairing Alleys and Sidewalks

City Repairing Alleys and Sidewalks

    The alleyway west and behind the 100 block of South Main Street was like a free rollercoaster ride before it was recently paved over.  Although the alleys behind most of the Main Street businesses in town are used by employees or store owners heading for a parking space, they can still be a […]

City Clean-up, Looks Just as Nice at Almost Half the Price

City Clean-up, Looks Just as Nice at Almost Half the Price

Pat Mason, City of Lamar Public Works Director, provided statistics on the April city-wide clean up campaign.  Sixty-three city employees and volunteers spent 597.5 man hours in 2012, compared to 52 employees and 398 man hours and 32 volunteers working 253 man hours this year.  $28,833.51 was spent on the clean up in 2012, compared […]

Lamar City Council Enacts Water Restrictions

Lamar City Council Enacts Water Restrictions

Acting on a recommendation from the Lamar Water Board, the city council voted in favor of implementing Stage 1 Mandatory Water Restrictions, effective Thursday, May 2.  The decision was based on current drought conditions and lack of ditch water, although the city’s well system is in good shape and has adequate supplies.  The restrictions state […]

Granada Hosts Prowers County Commissioner Meeting

Granada Hosts Prowers County Commissioner Meeting

The Prowers County Commissioners continued their policy of community outreach this past Thursday, April 18, holding their regular meeting at the Granada Complex.  The commissioners periodically hold their meetings in Granada, Wiley and Holly to stay acquainted with representatives in those communities and afford the residents an opportunity to meet with the commissioners.   Students from […]

Commissioners Hear Rescinding Request for Fly Ash IGA

Commissioners Hear Rescinding Request for Fly Ash IGA

Prowers County residents, Bob and Cathy Tintinger requested the Prowers County commissioners rescind the fly ash intergovernmental agreement between the county and City of Lamar.  The couple, who live on the county road leading to the east Lamar landfill, also asked the commissioners to consider a means of preventing sharp, tire-puncturing debris from spilling onto […]

Weekend Storm Clean Up Continues in Lamar ( additional pix)

Weekend Storm Clean Up Continues in Lamar ( additional pix)

Clean up efforts got underway in earnest on Sunday, June 3, following the damage from Saturday’s severe thunderstorm which produced winds in town and at the Lamar Airport at 66mph. Power was knocked out to a portion of south Lamar, mostly between Savage Avenue and West Cedar Street. Electricity was restored by emergency crews from […]

Weed Burn and Spring Cleanup Underway

Weed Burn and Spring Cleanup Underway

Members of the Lamar Fire Department and Public Works Department were starting fires Thursday morning, March 15, along a stretch of the Willow Creek Drainage area. “We’re probably looking at about four to five miles of weed growth and accumulated debris,” said Public Works Director, Pat Mason. Fire teams were using propane tanks to ignite […]