Free Firewood Available at Lamar Transfer Station

Hours of Operation at Lamar Transfer Station

Hours of Operation at Lamar Transfer Station

If you want it, you can come and get it, according to Lamar Public Works Director, Pat Mason.  There are some provisions a resident has to follow for the free firewood,  though.

Mason said the opportunity comes at the last weekend of every month, during the free weekend at the city transfer station on Crystal Street.  During the city clean-up day, Mason said, “There is really no limit to the amount that can be taken each month, as the city would rather see the wood put to some beneficial use instead of being hauled out to the landfill and buried.”

Residents need to bring their own chainsaws to cut the wood that is out in the open.  Mason explained, “The wood’s not cut to fireplace size, the resident has to do that, but the lengths are manageable enough to load in a pick-up by hand.  They can cut it down to size there or once they haul it away.”

Mason added that the wood is also offered to commercial operators, but everyone who comes out will have to sign a waiver of liability at the gate house before proceeding to the wood pile.  Whatever is available will go on a first come first, service basis.

By Russ Baldwin

Filed Under: BusinesscommunityEnergyEnvironmentFeaturedLamar


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