City Clean-up, Looks Just as Nice at Almost Half the Price
Russ Baldwin | May 15, 2013 | Comments 0
Pat Mason, City of Lamar Public Works Director, provided statistics on the April city-wide clean up campaign. Sixty-three city employees and volunteers spent 597.5 man hours in 2012, compared to 52 employees and 398 man hours and 32 volunteers working 253 man hours this year.
$28,833.51 was spent on the clean up in 2012, compared to $17,768.33 for a savings of $11,065. There was less debris and trash to pick up this year with 2012 statistics showing:
2012 2013
Paint 325.25 gal 172 gal
Oil 91.25 gal 29.75 gal
Antifreeze 2 gal 6.5 gal
Washer/Dryer 2 2
Diswasher 1 0
Stove 1 0
Water Heater 1 0
Refrigerator 4 3
Tires 90 CY 60 CY
Trash 1,560 CY 840 CY
As a consequence of the smaller amounts collected, the most of fuel and supplies for the ‘thank you’ BBQ was considerable less than in 2012. There has been some discussion about holding another clean up day this fall, but the council has made no firm decision at this time.
By Russ Baldwin
Filed Under: Prowers County
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