CDOT Launches New “Contact Us” Feature as Part of its Enhanced, Multifaceted Customer Service Program

CDOT-New-LogoSTATEWIDE – Today, March 2, the Colorado Department of Transportation will be launching the last phase of its multi-pronged effort to improve and streamline customer service to the general public:  the online “Contact Us” feature.

The first change in CDOT’s new “customer service experience” upgrades was the launch of newly revamped web sites:  CDOT’s main site at and its traveler information site at, enabling customers find information more easily. The second feature included creating new, fully-trained customer service teams in each of CDOT’s five transportation regions and at its headquarters. These representatives are existing CDOT employees who now, as part of their regular duties, are using a new online customer service ticket tracking tool to document, respond and report trends in customer service questions. CDOT’s highway project contractors will also use this tool to input and respond to project comments and inquiries.

The last phase in the agency’s new customer service program is the launch of a new “Contact Us” button on the COTRIP and CODOT web sites. The Contact Us Button will direct customers to more directly and easily obtain a response to their inquiry by directing them to self-help areas and providing them with an interactive map so they can write to or call the region in which their issue lies. The Contact Us Button will also allow people to directly report issues they see on the road and even upload pictures so CDOT can respond more quickly. An issue with a pothole in Alamosa, for example, would be routed directly to Region 5 in southwest Colorado, going directly to the team with the knowledge and the means to address the situation.

“We’re moving into a more efficient and effective customer service system,” CDOT Communications Director Amy Ford said. “With our dedicated phone lines for each area of the state, interactive comment features on our web site and designated customer service representatives in every region, our goal is to provide a faster and easier experience for our customers. We want to provide them with a one-stop shop and a single-call or single-email resolution as often as possible.”

CDOT’s Customer Service Experience was developed through an extensive internal process to identify areas of improvement for its public information and public relations services. The agency took a comprehensive look at how many customers contact the department each day, how many phone numbers and email addresses they can access, what the predominant questions and concerns are, how long the response time is, and much more. As a result, CDOT researched and implemented a new computer-based customer service tracking system that is being administered by designated customer service representatives in each of the department’s five transportation regions, as well as at headquarters.

“We talk about our goal of being the best DOT in the country,” CDOT Executive Director Shailen Bhatt said. “That begins and ends with our customers; we are proud to be public servants, and that means everything we do is focused on what’s best for the traveling public and what’s best for Colorado citizens.”

New Customer Service Phone Lines:

CDOT Headquarters in Denver – 303-757-9011

Region 1 (Denver Metro/I-70 West to Eisenhower/Johnson Memorial Tunnels) – 303-759-2361

Region 2 (Southeast) – 719-562-5568

Region 3 (Northwest) – 970-243-2368

Region 4 (Northeast) – 970-350-2368

Region 5 (Southwest/South-Central) – 970-385-1423

See regional map here.

Web site with Interactive Customer Service Features & Comment Button:

CDOT PROJECT INFORMATION: Updated information regarding traffic impacts on this or other CDOT projects is available at or by calling 511. To receive “CDOT Alerts,” project updates via wireless device or e-mail, visit and click on the icon at the bottom of the page. The link takes you to a list of items/areas you can subscribe to.

Filed Under: communityMedia ReleasePublic SafetyTransportation


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