Skywarn Weather Spotter Training Dates



FREE TRAINING…The National Weather Service in Pueblo provides SKYWARN weather spotter preparedness and training. Typically the sessions are scheduled from late March through early May each year, and are a cooperative effort of local government officials and the National Weather Service.  The sessions are FREE OF CHARGE and usually open to everyone, except when noted.   Participants receive information about…

– latest hot topics about National Weather Service
– when and how to report severe weather
– the basics of thunderstorm development and storm structure
– severe weather safety tips.

An RSVP is required if you plan to attend.

A typical session lasts around 1 1/2 hours. Snacks and beverages are usually NOT provided.

Contact Information & RSVP:

March 30-Springfield
6:30 p.m. MDT
29400 US Hwy 287, Baca County Emergency Management)

March 31-Lamar
6:30 p.m. MDT
1900 S. 11th St., Lamar High School Auditorium

April 4-Las Animas
6:30 p.m. MDT
Las Animas Fire Station, 435 5th St.

April 7-La Junta
6:30 p.m. MDT
601 Colorado Avenue City Council Chambers

April 8-Eads
6:00 p.m. MDT
Courthouse, 1305 Goff St.

Filed Under: BusinesscommunityEducationEnvironmentFeaturedGranadaHollyLamarMedia ReleasePublic SafetyWeatherWiley


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