County Commissioners Present Check to Holly LIbrary

Commissioners Present Check to Holly Library Board

Commissioners Present Check to Holly Library Board


Board chairman, Ron Cook, and the Prowers County Commissioners, presented a check for $4,200 to members of the Holly Library on Wednesday evening, February 3rd at the Holly Depot.  Chairman Cook said the funds will be able to support the library’s need for supplies and future program costs.  “We’re certain these funds will be used to increase the valuable use of the library to Holly residents,” he said.

Cook also spent a few minutes highlighting the plans for economic development within the county using the services of Professional Urban Management Associates, PUMA, which has been hired to administer a county-wide assessment of resources for job and business development in Prowers County.  “Every community in the county is invited to take part in the process,” he added, noting that PUMA officials will be in Prowers County on February 29th and March 1st to meet with key members from each city and town.  A luncheon will be held in Wiley on the 29th and a tour of Holly will begin at 10am on Tuesday, March1st, followed by visits to Granada, Bristol and Hartman.

Commissioner Henry Schnabel stated that one benefit from the study will be to have new eyes look at potential growth areas for economic development and help community leaders develop a plan of action once the study is complete.  He said that will take about seven to eight months before the study is presented to the public.  Cook added that the funding for the $50,000 project cost is accounted for, but any contributions that could be made from participating communities would be welcome.  Holly Town Administrator, Jerry L’Estrange, commented that the town had planned to assist PCDI, Prowers County Development Incorporated, with funding similar to the town’s contribution last year, and the commissioner’s request would be discussed at a later meeting.

Filed Under: BusinessCommissionersCountyEducationFeaturedHollyProwers County


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