Sixteen Pounds of Pills Collected

Lamar Drop Off Site for Pills

Lamar Drop Off Site for Pills

The annual National Drug Take-Back Initiative, hosted this past Saturday by the Lamar Police Department, netted 16 pounds of various prescription drugs, mostly in pill form, according to Michelle Slough. She, and another volunteer, were on duty on the west side of the Lamar Police Department from 10am to 2pm, collecting expired and unused pills from area residents.

The free service, conducted for the past several years, provides a safe way of throwing away unused medications. Over the years, tossed pills would be flushed down a toilet or thrown away in garbage, resulting in a slight, but noticeable increase when the chemicals would find their way into the eco-system. There was also the significant problem of out-dated pills being used, or of having them confiscated and mis-used by unauthorized persons.

Slough said the pills may be dropped off to the LPD at any time of the year and even before the Saturday event, about half the pills had already been deposited with the department.  Mostly pills were dropped off, as well as some medications in liquid form. Slough said the department does not accept needles or ‘sharps’, oxygen containers, chemo/radioactive substances, mercury thermometers or illicit drugs or other medical supplies.

By Russ Baldwin

Filed Under: BusinesscommunityEducationFeaturedHealthLamarLaw EnforcementProwers CountyPublic Safety


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