By Bikes or By Feet, June 24 is a Morning Treat

This Crew Can Cook!!

This Crew Can Cook!!

A lot of breakfast was served to over 100 persons who attended the annual Bike to Work Day event at the Lamar Community Building.  Matt Neuhold, said, “We easily went through 15 pounds of bacon for the crowd and I usually base this year’s grocery purchase against what we did last year, so we had a good turnout.”  With bacon, you need eggs and Lisa Thomas from High Plains Community Health Center added, “We also went through about 15 dozen cartons of eggs, so yes, we were kept busy.”

Ready to Start the Day

Ready to Start the Day

Parks and Rec and Lamar Chamber staff got to the Lamar Community Building kitchen around 5am Wednesday morning to begin preparing the meal which also included pancakes, fresh fruit mix and granola as well as some chilled yogurt.

The front entrance to the LCB had over a dozen bicycles of all types parked out front.  The styles ranged from pricey mountain bikes to big-tire, short-range cruisers similar to the ones that pre-dated the skinny tire bikes that debuted back in the early 60s.  Some people just strolled in for the community meal before heading off to work, getting their exercise on foot at the start of their day.

By Russ Baldwin

Filed Under: BusinesscommunityEntertainmentEventsFeaturedHealthLamarProwers CountyPublic SafetyRecreationSportsTransportation


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