Search Will Begin for New City Councilman

Court House Windmill-2

Lamar City Councilman, Ron Cook, will become Prowers County Commissioner Ron Cook representing District Two on January 13, 2015. He will replace Commission Chairman Joe Marble at that time, having won a run-off Republican party caucus in the county this past summer.  Cook will have to relinquish his seat on the city council and the city will need to find a replacement.

“We’ll probably get an official announcement seeking candidates in late November or early December,” said Lamar Mayor, Roger Stagner, who added, “What we’d really like to see is a healthy turnout for applications instead of just one or two.” Cook echoed that sentiment, saying, “That would be great if the residents felt like they’d like to take part.”

The candidates would have to be city residents, living in District Three, represented by Cook, and they would be holding his seat for his unexpired term. Beverly Haggard is the other District Three representative on the council.  That district covers most of the western section of the city, stretching north and south from roughly Savage Avenue to West Washington along 8th Street.

The transitions are coincidental as Joe Marble had served on the city council for several years before he was elected as a county commissioner, as is now the case for Ron Cook.

By Russ Baldwin

Filed Under: BusinessCommissionerscommunityCountyFeaturedLamarPoliticsProwers County


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