RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "Lamar City Council"

Willow Creek Park Selected as Potential Skateboard Site

Willow Creek Park Selected as Potential Skateboard Site

The Lamar City Council weighed the pros and cons of several potential sites for a skateboard park within the city limits and informally agreed that the southern end of Willow Creek Park would be the best location. Other viable sites discussed during the February 29th work session included Escondido Park, Bicentennial Park and the horseshoe […]

Wal-Mart Subdivision Plat Finalized, Another Derelict House to Come Down

Wal-Mart Subdivision Plat Finalized, Another Derelict House to Come Down

  The final plat of the Wal-Mart Subdivision has been finalized as the department store contracted with a private firm to complete the plat. Wiley Work, Lamar City Engineer and Jeremy McEndree, of the City Building Department, told the City Council, that Lot 1 is the present site of the store and Lot 2 is […]

Council Receives Funding for Bridge Repair

Council Receives Funding for Bridge Repair

“Team Lamar”; the Lamar City Council sported Bronco jerseys for Monday night’s council meeting, courtesy of Gerry Jenkins, council member. The Broncos, of course, won Sunday’s Super Bowl match against the Carolina Panthers and the council agreed to hold off on city matters long enough for a requested group shot.  Maybe they can do it […]

Spay/Neutering Funding Sought for Lamar Animal Shelter

Spay/Neutering Funding Sought for Lamar Animal Shelter

Most communities have a problem with unowned dogs and cats roaming the neighborhoods and Lamar is no different. Daily police reports show numerous calls to the Code Enforcement Officers to corral lost or run-away pets, as well as homeless dogs with no permanent address.  Indiscriminate breeding only leads to an increase in stray dogs which […]

City Moving Forward on Economic Development Areas

City Moving Forward on Economic Development Areas

It appears as though the city will soon hire a replacement for Shawna Hodge, the former Main Street Coordinator who resigned earlier this spring. That position has undergone some changes in responsibilities and City Administrator John Sutherland told the council this past Monday, December 14th, that a verbal agreement is being reached with the new […]

New Council Sworn In, City Approves Water Project Loan Application

New Council Sworn In, City Approves Water Project Loan Application

Two Lamar City Council meetings were held Monday, November 9 and were a part of a municipal housekeeping process following a general election. The first meeting, held with current city council members approved the consent agenda.  The second meeting, at about 5 minutes later, began with swearing in ceremonies for any new council members, a […]

Lamar Receives $100,000 GoCO Grant for Outdoor Recreation Development

Lamar Receives $100,000 GoCO Grant for Outdoor Recreation Development

Greater Outdoors Colorado announced this past Friday, October 23rd, that Lamar is one of six pilot communities selected to receive $100,000 in planning grants which can be leveraged to up to $5M to implement projects allowing more kids more access to outdoor recreation. The State of Colorado is using up to $25M  in GOCO lottery […]

Council Says “No Sale” on Proposed Yard Sale Ordinance

Council Says “No Sale” on Proposed Yard Sale Ordinance

A public hearing was not needed to review a proposed ordinance prohibiting Perpetual, Prolonged and Extended Yard Sales in Residential zoned areas of the City of Lamar. The proposal died for lack of a motion from the council.   Additional discussion and definition will be needed before the council comes to a conclusion on the final […]

Lamar City Council Sets 2016 Budget

Lamar City Council Sets 2016 Budget

The Lamar City Council was joined by the Lamar Utility Board of Directors for the public hearing held regarding approval for the 2016 budget. Revenues for the City are projected for next year at $7,890,328, which is an increase of $233,035 compared to the 2015 budget. The Sales Tax Revenue of $1,357,206 is steady against […]

Employment Status for Lamar Welcome Center Manager is Altered

Employment Status for Lamar Welcome Center Manager is Altered

The Lamar City Council, minus Mayor Roger Stagner who excused himself from the chambers, engaged in a lengthy discussion regarding terminating the Welcome Center Manager’s contract with the State of Colorado, and hiring the manager as a city employee. Mayor Stagner is married to the manager, Leslie Stagner and he did not take part in […]

Nuisance Yard Sale Ordinance Discussed

Nuisance Yard Sale Ordinance Discussed

  Some local residents might have one yard sale a year while their neighbors might conduct one every other week. The Lamar City Council dealt with nuisance or perpetual yard sales during a discussion of city fees and fines proposed for 2016. There was ample discussion during the September 28 work session on the pros […]

Lamar City Council Reviews Job Description for URA Manager

Lamar City Council Reviews Job Description for URA Manager

The Lamar City Council held a work session prior to its regular Monday night meeting on September 28th, covering needed changes for the Community Development and Urban Renewal Manager positions left vacant by the recent departure of Shawna Hodge. City Administrator, John Sutherland, gave the council a one page outline covering the job description. Sutherland […]

Lamar City Council Remains the Same

Lamar City Council Remains the Same

There were no challenges to the current line-up of the Lamar City Council for the November General Election, according to Lamar City Clerk, Linda Williams. As such, the current council members will not face an election on this year’s ballot. Anyone eligible to serve on the council had until August 25 to submit their petition […]

Lamar City Council Holds a TiPS-y Discussion

Lamar City Council Holds a TiPS-y Discussion

The standard question for the past several years now, that has been asked of applicants for special events permits from the Lamar City Council is, “Are you or are any of your staff TiPS trained?” The question was first introduced several years ago for the annual Lamar Chamber Oktoberfest and the associated beer garden. Now, […]

Gotto Offers Specifics on PCDI Goals

Gotto Offers Specifics on PCDI Goals

“We’re looking for businesses that can provide the county with primary jobs and create new money for the area,” said George Gotto, interim executive director for PCDI, during an update on activities he provided for the Lamar City Council.  He added, “What we’re interested in helping is retailers who will not be competing with similar […]

Beer is on the Menu for the Sand and Sage Fair

Beer is on the Menu for the Sand and Sage Fair

The Lamar City Council voted unanimously in favor of the special events permit request allowing beer to be served during the August fair at the Prowers County Fairgrounds.  The request was made by the Sand and Sage Fair Board following a public hearing during the council’s regular meeting, Monday, July 13.  Essentially it was a […]

Beer Garden Still a Hot Topic, City Council Hearing Set for July 13

Beer Garden Still a Hot Topic, City Council Hearing Set for July 13

The Prowers County Commissioners were offering some different viewpoints regarding the approaching July 13th Lamar City Council public hearing for a special events permit allowing the Sand and Sage Roundup Fair Board to host a beer garden next month. Discussion over the event, but not an official public hearing, was held in early June by […]

ARPA and City of Lamar Perspectives on Required Demolition Permit

ARPA and City of Lamar Perspectives on Required Demolition Permit

The City of Lamar and ARPA, Arkansas River Power Authority, have been at legal loggerheads for the past year over the failed Lamar Repowering Project, its ultimate disposition and the ability to default on the construction bonds used to build the coal fired plant. The plant has been offline since late 2011.  In September 2014, […]

GoCO Makes Major Grant for Lamar Loop

GoCO Makes Major Grant for Lamar Loop

There’s a lot of work to be done to start the 7.3 mile Lamar Loop, a walking trail that will encompass most of the city, but now the money is there to get the job moving. Emily Nieschburg, coordinator for Healthy Places in Lamar and LiveWell Prowers County, said the Summit meeting at Amache Farms […]

Fair Board Clears Beer Garden Hurdle with Commissioners

Fair Board Clears Beer Garden Hurdle with Commissioners

The Sand and Sage Fair Board, by a two to one vote from the County Commissioners, received approval to apply for a special events permit to host a beer garden during four events in this year’s Sand and Sage Fair.  This clears the path for the fair board to request a permit from the City […]