Donations Sought by LPD for Replacement K9

Lamar Police 

I am Sergeant Jamison Sherrill with the Lamar Police Department K-9 Unit. I am writing to you on behalf of the Lamar Police Department and the K-9 division. The Lamar Police Department first established our K-9 unit in 2008, and the unit has been serving the City of Lamar, Prowers County, and surrounding areas since that time. The K-9s have been used regularly for narcotics detection and interdiction on the roads and in the school districts of Lamar and Prowers County.  We have been called out as far as Las Animas, Cheyenne Wells, and Hamilton County (KS). The K-9s have also played a strong role in the interdiction of contraband and narcotics within the Prowers County Jail.  

K-9 Joey, our first K-9, retired after more than five years of service early in 2013. During her career, K-9 Joey assisted with the location and arrest of several felons, was instrumental in numerous drug arrests and seizures, and most notably was responsible for the seizure of over $10,000.00 in drug money and the arrest of an inter-state narcotics transporter.  

Since Joey’s retirement, the department has had two K-9 teams working. K-9 Wiley partnered with Sgt. Cope and K-9 Nero, my partner. K-9 Nero has been on the street for approximately two years, and has been responsible for multiple drug finds.  He was a part of the arrest team that captured the suspects in the bank robbery in Bent County in 2013. K-9 Wiley has been with the department for nearly five years and has made numerous narcotics finds on the street, inside the schools, the college, and other facilities in the area. Those finds include a seizure of more than 12 lbs of marijuana being moved through Lamar.   

Unfortunately, in the late part of 2013, K-9 Wiley was diagnosed with cancer and was only given a short time to live. Wiley has outlived all expectations of the veterinarian, but his health is deteriorating, and the department has made the difficult decision to retire Wiley to his handler’s home.  This leaves only one K-9 team available to the city and surrounding agencies.  

At the department, we believe our K-9 program has more than proven its worth to the city and surrounding areas through narcotics detection and apprehension assistance for dangerous felons. With K-9 Wiley’s retirement due to medical reasons, we would no longer be able to offer 24 hour K-9 availability, and we feel it is important that that coverage remains constant. As such, we are reaching out to agencies and organizations in the area who likewise recognize the benefit of the K-9 program for assistance in procuring another K-9 to fill the void left by K-9 Wiley’s retirement, and allow us to continue to provide the level of service and coverage that we have been able to offer over the last five years.  

It will take $10,000 to purchase a new dog and get the K9 and the handler certified for police service. Any contribution you or your organizations can make towards the project will be appreciated.  Your contributions are tax deductible and the City of Lamar will be happy to provide a receipt for the amount you contribute. 

 Sgt. Jamison Sherrill

Filed Under: communityCountyFeaturedGranadaHollyHot TopicsLamarLaw EnforcementMedia ReleasePublic SafetyWiley


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