Lamar Police Chief Receives Executive Certification in Colorado


Chief McCrea, During Citizens Academy Briefing

Chief McCrea, During Citizens Academy Briefing


On November 20th the Colorado Association of Chiefs of Police notified Lamar Police Chief Gary McCrea that his application for Executive Certification had been approved by the CACP Board. 

To obtain certification by the Colorado Association of Chiefs of Police as a Police Executive an individual has to show a high level of education, experience, and dedication in the profession of law enforcement.  They are currently thirty-three Chiefs of Police in the state of Colorado that have received Executive Certification from the CACP. 

The Lamar Police Department was accredited by the Colorado Association of Chiefs of Police in August of 2011 for complying with the professional standards of law enforcement.

Filed Under: communityEducationFeaturedLamarLaw EnforcementProwers CountyPublic Safety


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