Granada Trustees Discuss Property Clean-up, Landfill Issues
Russ Baldwin | Oct 10, 2013 | Comments 0
The Granada Board of Trustees hosted Lance Benninghoff, newly hired executive director for PCDI, during their regular monthly meeting, Wednesday, October 9, as well as Prowers County Commissioners Wendy Buxton Andrade and Joe Marble.
Benninghoff said he wanted to introduce himself to the Board, as part of his developing outreach program for the communities he will serve for future economic development. “You’ll be seeing more of me in the future as I become more accustomed to the area,” he explained. Benninghoff gave a brief overview of his professional background and familiarity with southeast Colorado. The commissioners had only one item of business to bring before the Trustees. Commissioner Chairman, Joe Marble, said the county is seeking a grant to purchase three upright freezers to store commodity food items. He wanted to check to make sure that the Granada Trustees would accept the free freezer. “This will make it easier to preserve the commodities the county receives in Wiley, Holly and Granada,” Marble explained, as the board said they would be happy to use the freezer in the Granada Complex.
There was a short agenda before the Trustees, who decided to hold the traditional Christmas tree lighting on December 9 this year, the second Monday of the month. It was determined that the tree just north of Stop 2 Shop in town was not on city property, so the new store owners could trim the tree at their discretion. John McMillan, Town Maintenance Manager said he plans to burn the trees and debris that resulted from the county’s mowing of the flood control dike. McMillan reported that the repairs on the town’s Ranger pickup came to $1,200. There was some brief discussion about contacting the state health and environment department regarding packing down and covering refuse at the landfill. McMillan said he’d prefer to go back to using the tractor treads instead of a vehicle using tires, as they are being shredded and will be costly to replace.
Granada Police Chief, David Dougherty, said he’ll contact a property owner on South Inge Street about the need to clear their property of debris from a demolished house. The Trustees decided that after several communications with the owner, to send a bill for the cost of the city’s cleanup project at the site. Dougherty said the debris is attracting vermin and is a potential fire hazard for neighboring properties. The Chief said the postponed block party is set for Sunday, October 13 which will be combined with a kid’s bike rodeo, sponsored by the Colorado State Patrol. The rodeo begins at 10am at the Complex and a free lunch will be provided at noon. The National Night Out festivities will run between 1pm and 4pm. LIveWell Prowers County representatives will attend to distribute information regarding nutrition and exercise for a healthier lifestyle and Don Graves from Wal –Mart will conduct bike inspections.
Reservations for the Complex are scheduled for October 22 for a Flu Clinic from 4pm to 7pm, Bob Cook Celebration of Life October 26 from 11am to 5pm, the Methodist Church Harvest Dinner on November 17 from 11am to 2pm and an all-day baptism on November 30. The next Granada Trustees meeting is set for November 13 at 6:30pm.
By Russ Baldwin
Filed Under: Business • Commissioners • community • County • Economy • Featured • Granada • Health • Law Enforcement • Prowers County • Public Safety • Recreation
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