Holly Trustees Rebidding Roof Repairs for Library & Theater


Holly Depot

Holly Depot

The Holly Town Trustees discussed their options regarding bids for roof repairs to the town Library and Theater. No bids were received in the most recent set of requests and the trustees decided to re-bid the projects, setting cost margin at a higher amount. Whether to go with insulated foam or a metal roof for the theater was discussed, with most trustees agreeing that a new foam covering would be the best option as a metal roof alone, is prone to condensation and leaking. However, foam roofs need to be coated every five years, adding to the expense of that choice. Work on the rear theater wall is needed first, and afterwards, the trustees can concentrate on roof work on both buildings, pending the receipt of any new bids. Action on a zoning ordinance was tabled until the next meeting in October.

The Holly Trustees unanimously voted to adopt Ordinance 496 regarding prohibition of marijuana within the township. Communities throughout the state are required to meet an October 1 deadline if they want to adopt any prohibitions which forestall Amendment 64 from last year’s general election in November which allowed the recreational use of marijuana in Colorado. The ordinance essentially parallels the ones adopted by the City of Lamar and Prowers County.

The trustees ratified the estimate of services for Reliable Power Consultants. The turnkey project for the dairy farm being constructed south of Holly will provide a design estimate at $6,575 and a distribution contract for $11,500. Board members also approved the construction of a concrete loading pad for the new Reyman’s Grocery Store which was offered by the town as an economic incentive package. CIRSA insurance quotes for 2014 were also approved.

The town crew report for August noted a ditch was cleared of debris at Park Street and Main Streets and a six inch culvert was installed at Park Street to improve drainage. Three new lights along the entry road to the high school were installed. The last delivery of demolition materials from the former school was packed and covered at the Holly landfill. A water main is being replaced at 3rd Street and Main Streets to meet business water needs.

By Russ Baldwin

Filed Under: BusinesscommunityCountyEconomyFeaturedHollyProwers CountyPublic SafetySchool


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