RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "Holly Landfill"

Holly Trustees Rebidding Roof Repairs for Library & Theater

Holly Trustees Rebidding Roof Repairs for Library & Theater

  The Holly Town Trustees discussed their options regarding bids for roof repairs to the town Library and Theater. No bids were received in the most recent set of requests and the trustees decided to re-bid the projects, setting cost margin at a higher amount. Whether to go with insulated foam or a metal roof […]

Prowers Commissioners OK Planning Commission Members, Carnival Contract, 911 Observance Location

  The Prowers County Commissioners covered a range of agenda items during their regular meeting, Thursday, January 17.  The commissioners gave a verbatim approval for the annual contract between the Fair Board and Crabtree Amusements, ensuring the carnival will be in town for the Sand and Sage Fair this year.  Cindy Bennett, Fair Board member, […]