Anderson Voted to Chair Lamar Utililties Board


Lamar Light and Power Plant

Lamar Light and Power Plant

The Lamar Utility Board voted to appoint David Anderson as chairman and Ron Cook as vice-chairman during a brief meeting this past Tuesday, August 27.  Don Steerman, the former board chairman declined to run for an additional term once his seat in office had expired.  That leaves a vacancy on the Lamar Utility Board for the time being until the position has been filled.  Interested parties should contact the City of Lamar for an application form. 

Board members briefly discussed the budget for 2014, stating that some sessions will deal with potential rate increases which could go into effect in 2015.  For the past several months, revenues for sales of electricity have been on the decline.  Light Plant Superintendent Houssin Hourieh noted that work on one of the light plant turbines is underway.  A gearbox on one of the turbines is being replaced.  The work is expected to take all week.  The turbine has been offline since the end of July when metal filings were discovered in the gearbox oiling mechanism. 

Board members went into executive session to receive legal advice on Specific Legal Questions Regarding the Lamar Repowering Project.  Rick Rigel, General Manager of ARPA, Arkansas River Power Authority was on hand for the meeting.  Hourieh, Rigel and Ron Cook attended the Lamar City Council’s executive session on Monday night to discuss and develop strategy for negotiations with ARPA and provide instructions to its designated negotiators. 

The Pueblo Chieftain recently reported that a September trial has been set in Las Animas District Court on the City of Trinidad’s lawsuit against ARPA, seeking to end their relationship with the company and contractual obligations to purchase power from the Authority.  ARPA’s member cities are Lamar, Holly, Trinidad, La Junta, Las Animas and Springfield.

By Russ Baldwin

Filed Under: BusinesscommunityCountyEconomyEnergyFeaturedHollyLamarProwers CountyUtilities


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