All Entries Tagged With: "Rick Rigel"

ARPA Board Continues to Evaluate Power Plant Options
Press Release At its meeting on September 25, the Arkansas River Power Authority (ARPA) Board of Directors approved a resolution finding that it would be economically beneficial to dispose of and/or decommission the Lamar Repowering Project, rather than continue to maintain it in “cold standby”. This finding was based on reports prepared by a variety […]

Decision Time for Lamar City Council on ARPA
As ARPA, Arkansas River Power Authority, representatives weigh their options on whether to place the Lamar Repowering Project in cold standby status or decommission the coal plant, the Lamar City Council sought suggestions for their next steps from residents during a public meeting Wednesday, July 2. The ARPA board will meet to ponder and perhaps […]

PCDI Board Briefed on Repowering Project Options
The monthly Prowers County Development Incorporated meeting on June 24th was highlighted by guest, ARPA General Manager, Rick Rigel who briefed PCDI board members on a brief history of events relating to present developments for the future of the Lamar Repowering Project. Rigel has met with representatives from several municipal groups, as well as […]

Discussions on Repowering Project Get Heated During First Public Hearing
Looking for responsibility, looking for blame, looking for a way out summed up the questions and mood of the 70 to 80 residents who were on hand for the first of three public information meetings, hosted by ARPA, Arkansas River Power Authority, regarding that board’s two main options for the future of the Lamar […]

ARPA Re-Evaluating Power Plant Options-1st Public Hearing June 11
The Arkansas River Power Authority (ARPA) Board of Directors recently announced that it is re-evaluating the long-term options for the Lamar Repowering Project to determine how to best meet its members’ future energy needs. The boiler for the coal-fired power plant has not been able to comply with its air emissions guarantees, and the plant […]

ARPA to Decide on Future of the Lamar Repowering Project
Arkansas River Power Authority General Manager, Rick Rigel, briefed members of the Lamar Utility Board regarding what may become of the Lamar Repowering Project. There are basically two alternatives to consider. One would be to place the plant in cold standby until approximately 2024 with no guarantee that it will perform up to expectations at […]

ARPA Files Suit Against Babcock & Wilcox
On February 28, 2014 the Arkansas River Power Authority filed a lawsuit against Babcock & Wilcox Power Generation Group, Inc. (B&W) which supplied the coal-fired steam boiler for the Lamar Repowering Project. The boiler was never able to meet its emissions guarantees. As a result of B&W’s failure to deliver a fully functioning boiler capable […]

Anderson Voted to Chair Lamar Utililties Board
The Lamar Utility Board voted to appoint David Anderson as chairman and Ron Cook as vice-chairman during a brief meeting this past Tuesday, August 27. Don Steerman, the former board chairman declined to run for an additional term once his seat in office had expired. That leaves a vacancy on the Lamar Utility Board […]

ARPA Resolves Years Long Legal Battle with WildEarth Guardians
ARPA, Arkansas River Power Authority and the Lamar Utilities Board have ended their legal battles dating back to 2009 with the environmental group, WildEarth Guardians, over the emissions levels from the Lamar Repowering Project. The agreement resolves two lawsuits filed against the utilities relating to air emissions levels. The utilities groups will pay $450,000 […]

We Can’t Continue with These Electric Rates
Arkansas River Power Authority directors heard from three business owner/operators and a Prowers County Commissioner on how electric rates tied to the Lamar Repowering Project will stifle business growth. The director’s monthly meeting was held in Springfield this past Thursday, May 30. The meetings rotate among six ARPA community members. Jim Miller, owner of […]

Electricity=1, Snake=0
Power was disrupted to the southern section of Lamar mid-morning this past Sunday, May 26, when a snake managed to gain access to the LAMFO substation of Lamar Light and Power. The unauthorized entry came at a price as the snake was zapped as it tripped the main transformer, causing an outage that […]

ARPA Responds to LUB Meeting Request, LUB Youth Job Program Starts in June
Area high school students between 18-21 years of age who have completed their junior year of high school can apply to Lamar Light and Power for employment in the company’s summer youth jobs program. The annual seasonal program offers temporary employment beginning June 3 for eight to ten weeks through the summer. The program […]

Commissioners, Businesses Continue to Push for ARPA Meeting
People still want answers from Arkansas River Power Authority regarding the electric rate structure pertaining to the Lamar Repowering Project and the status and ownership of the bonds sold to finance the conversion of the Lamar natural gas facility to the coal generated plant. The plant has been offline since December before last. Construction […]

No Leeway for Electric Rate Reductions in Near Future
The Lamar Repowering Project and the debt service needed to pay the construction bonds is here to stay, whether the plant is producing electricity or placed in cold storage. And if the rates for purchasing power from a grid, as is being done now seem high, the rates would probably be higher if the […]

Boiler Design Flaws Plague Repowering Project
The Lamar Utility Board spent their last meeting of 2012 looking ahead to the spring of 2013 when light plant officials hope to see a successful test and tuning of the Repowering Project boilers. The boilers have been offline for almost two years due to what has been determined to be design flaws. ARPA […]

ARPA Files Motion to Have Court Reconsider Recent Ruling
The Arkansas River Power Authority (ARPA) and Lamar Utilities Board (LUB) filed a motion yesterday asking the U.S. District Court in Denver to reconsider its September 28, 2012 order, finding that the Lamar Repowering Project had been constructed in violation of the federal Clean Air Act. The order was entered in connection with a […]

Lamar Light Plant Could Remain Idle for Years
Rick Rigel, General Manager for ARPA, addressed the Lamar Utility Board on the regional power supplier’s current financial status through this past August. During the Tuesday, October 9 meeting, Rigel also outlined ARPA’s 2013 budget and discussed the challenges and goals the company will face next year. Rigel mentioned the possibility that the Repowering […]

ARPA Responds to U.S. District Court Ruling
ARPA Responds to U.S. District Court Ruling On September 28, 2012, the U.S. District Court in Denver issued a ruling that the Arkansas River Power Authority (ARPA) and Lamar Utilities Board (LUB) violated the Clean Air Act by operating the Lamar Repowering Project without a determination that it met the “maximum achievable control technology” standard. […]

U.S. District Judge Rules Against Lamar Light Plant for Emissions Violations
ARPA, Arkansas River Power Authority, and members of the Lamar Utility Board, are holding an executive session meeting, Tuesday, October 2, to discuss options in light of a Friday, September 28, 2012 ruling by U.S. District Judge, David Ebel regarding the Lamar Repowering Project. Lamar Light Plant Superintendent, Houssin Hourieh said the meeting was called […]

Lamar Utility Board Reviews Customer Disconnect Policies
Most of the discussion during the August 29 Lamar Utility Board meeting focused on items not specifically on the agenda. Lamar Light Plant Superintendent Houssin Hourieh discussed the rules and regulations pertaining to policies for re-connect and disconnect for electric service, mostly for residential customers. The Light Plant follows at 70 page document set […]