Fire Department Incident Reports July 16, 2013
KL | Jul 16, 2013 | Comments 0
Saturday, July 13
At 8:55 pm on Saturday, July 13, fire personnel were dispatched to a pulled fire alarm at 1110 East Olive Street in Lamar. While en route, personnel were advised that it was a false alarm. Upon arrival at the scene, the owner of the establishment was outside. Mr. Orozco advised that one of the patrons of the establishment had pulled the alarm but he did not know who and had already reset the alarm station.
Monday, July 15
At 12:18 am on Monday, July 15, fire personnel were dispatched to a smoke detector activation at 1302 North Main Street, Holiday Inn Express, in Lamar. Upon arrival, audible and strobe alarms were going off but no smoke was showing. An employee met fire personnel at the front door and stated that she had burnt a muffin in the oven and it had set the smoke alarms off. Through further investigation, fire personnel found that the dining and kitchen areas had visible smoke. A ventilation fan was used to push smoke from the two rooms and the alarm was reset.
At 7:48 am on Monday, July 15, fire personnel were dispatched to an extrication of victims from a building or structure located at 812 West Olive in Lamar. On arrival at the scene, fire crew was met by Lamar PD. Officers stated that the home owner had fallen through a portion of the floor in her bathroom. Police officers warned that the home did not have conditions that were safe for habitation. The fire crew used bunker gear and N95 masks and entered the home to assess the situation. The woman was found on her side in stable condition and with no complains of pain or injury. Fire personnel found a crawl space opening and tried to find access to the woman from below. It was discovered that the crawl space was not safe as sewer water was on the ground. Fire personnel returned outside to find an alternative means of rescue and suit up in hazmat suits as well as SCBA. As the rescue crew was gearing up, the women had freed herself and walked out f the home. She refused further help, so all fire units were able to clear the scene and return to service.
Filed Under: Fire Department-Responders • Health • Lamar • Prowers County • Public Safety
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