CDOT Launches Share the Road, Friend Campaign
KL | Jun 18, 2013 | Comments 0
“Life has enough problems. Share the road, friend.”
STATEWIDE—In an effort to reduce injuries and fatalities on Colorado roads, the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) launched a statewide public awareness campaign that encourages all road users to uphold their mutual responsibility to share the road.
Since 2002, Colorado has seen an increase in pedestrian fatalities by 9.8 percent and bicyclist deaths by 44 percent. More recently, Colorado experienced a 66 percent increase in pedestrian fatalities and a 63 percent increase in bicyclist fatalities from 2011 to 2012.
To address this problem, CDOT’s new campaign, Share the Road, Friend, speaks to all road users—motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians—reminding them that life has enough problems, sharing the road shouldn’t be one of them. The campaign will be supported through PR and grassroots outreach statewide as well as billboards, print ads, and radio in two of the most at-risk communities for bicycle and pedestrian fatalities, Denver and Pueblo.
“Warmer weather means an increased number of users on Colorado roadways,” said Betsy Jacobsen, Colorado Department of Transportation Bicycle/Pedestrian/Byways Section Manager. “Share the Road, Friend reminds everyone to be courteous on the road, obey the rules and together help prevent crashes on the state’s roadways.”
Share the Road, Friend embraces Colorado’s culture of multimodal transportation and does not isolate the issue to any one particular mode with its message: “Life has enough problems. Share the Road, Friend.” By recognizing that everyone is equal on the road, CDOT aims to help foster a culture that exercises caution and respect on the road.
For the past two years, CDOT has been working with numerous communities to engage their local citizens and leaders on the issue of sharing the road. “We understand that the issue of who uses the road can be polarizing and often pins one mode against another,” said Jacobsen. “Bringing different road users together has brought greater understanding that no single mode owns the road. This campaign is an extension of that effort and encourages all users to be mindful of others and share the road.”
CDOT offers these general tips for sharing the road:
- Focus. Do not use cell phones when driving, walking or bicycling
- Motorists, remember to leave at least three feet between your car and a bicyclist when passing
- Pedestrians, cross the street at the crosswalk and look both ways
- Bicyclists, ride with the flow of traffic and obey all traffic laws
Filed Under: community • County • Prowers County • Public Safety • Transportation
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